Deploy a report

Chart - Nepal - Imports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Nepal - Imports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Table - Nepal - Imports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
India 23.417.321 25.348.130 53.098.085 49.325.947 29.767.492 9.304.838
Pakistan 9.065.516 49.460.972
Egypt 4.097.541 9.980.592 6.103.586
Thailand 6.498.025 6.118.968 1.858.963 3.024.928 455.810 40.265
Unknown 1.310.290 1.243.175 4.671.126 2.999.352 2.229.460 920.099
Bangladesh 1.154.820 1.354.425 1.551.185 2.936.318 1.904.743 189.382
Morocco 18.946 14.077 258.124 1.555.165
Australia 320.960 243.371 360.468 335.195 304.344 29.257
Malaysia 270.722 758.007 149.252 94.985 184.530 25.957
Brazil 48.867 22.046 1.172 919.930 285.465
Others 407.773 275.414 405.184 2.065.274 924.626 256.284
Total 33,447,724 35,363,536 66,207,053 81,006,161 93,176,193 10,766,082

Chart - Nepal - Imports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Nepal - Imports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Nepal - Imports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
12 - 2018 01 - 2019 02 - 2019 03 - 2019 04 - 2019 05 - 2019
India 1.435.662 2.766.445 1.770.679 1.770.431 1.321.296 1.675.987
Unknown 144.105 196.435 53.543 236.090 271.448 162.583
Bangladesh 43.729 48.050 48.937 12.569 31.661 48.165
Turkey 108.153 46.027 7.394 3.852
Indonesia 14.695 4.227 31.276
Thailand 5.088 17.633 8.910 8.634
Australia 14.815 14.442
Malaysia 25 25.957
Saudi Arabia 18.761
Netherlands 8.005 201
Others 1.546 6.907 455 1.818 1.526 2.987
Total 1,625,067 3,145,893 1,978,735 2,037,413 1,664,749 1,939,292

Chart - Nepal - Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Nepal - Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Table - Nepal - Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
India 2.370.142 1.882.747 1.128.505 1.212.462 183.176 807.524
Unknown 22.850 101.489 303.449 2.175.892 242.686 111.769
Bangladesh 21.992 34.203
Japan 4.915 9.491 6.272 7.325 3.745 2.842
Australia 10.272
Switzerland 484 538
Vietnam 502
Spain 167
Malaysia 165
Egypt 146
Others 66 263 81
Total 2,397,907 1,993,939 1,438,226 3,405,951 453,180 956,957

Chart - Nepal - Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Nepal - Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Nepal - Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
12 - 2018 01 - 2019 02 - 2019 03 - 2019 04 - 2019 05 - 2019
India 109 2.255 101 25.944 191.750 587.474
Unknown 15.968 23.846 321 5.022 37.050 45.530
Bangladesh 10.975 23.228
Japan 1.262 1.594 463 785
Switzerland 538
Finland 81
Total 17,339 27,776 1,423 42,726 252,028 633,004

Chart - Nepal - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Nepal - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Table - Nepal - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
India 23.417.321 25.348.130 53.098.085 49.325.947 29.767.492 9.304.838
Pakistan 9.065.516 49.460.972
Egypt 4.097.541 9.980.592 6.103.586
Thailand 6.498.025 6.118.968 1.858.963 3.024.928 455.810 40.265
Unknown 1.310.290 1.243.175 4.671.126 2.999.352 2.229.460 920.099
Bangladesh 1.154.820 1.354.425 1.551.185 2.936.318 1.904.743 189.382
Morocco 18.946 14.077 258.124 1.555.165
Australia 320.960 243.371 360.468 335.195 304.344 29.257
Malaysia 270.722 758.007 149.252 94.985 184.530 25.957
Brazil 48.867 22.046 1.172 919.930 285.465
Others 407.773 275.414 405.184 2.065.274 924.626 256.284
Total 33,447,724 35,363,536 66,207,053 81,006,161 93,176,193 10,766,082

Import Countries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
India 2.370.142 1.882.747 1.128.505 1.212.462 183.176 807.524
Unknown 22.850 101.489 303.449 2.175.892 242.686 111.769
Bangladesh 21.992 34.203
Japan 4.915 9.491 6.272 7.325 3.745 2.842
Australia 10.272
Switzerland 484 538
Vietnam 502
Spain 167
Malaysia 165
Egypt 146
Others 66 263 81
Total 2,397,907 1,993,939 1,438,226 3,405,951 453,180 956,957

Chart - Nepal - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Nepal - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Nepal - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: sugars and sugar confectionery - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
12 - 2018 01 - 2019 02 - 2019 03 - 2019 04 - 2019 05 - 2019
India 1.435.662 2.766.445 1.770.679 1.770.431 1.321.296 1.675.987
Unknown 144.105 196.435 53.543 236.090 271.448 162.583
Bangladesh 43.729 48.050 48.937 12.569 31.661 48.165
Turkey 108.153 46.027 7.394 3.852
Indonesia 14.695 4.227 31.276
Thailand 5.088 17.633 8.910 8.634
Australia 14.815 14.442
Malaysia 25 25.957
Saudi Arabia 18.761
Netherlands 8.005 201
Others 1.546 6.907 455 1.818 1.526 2.987
Total 1,625,067 3,145,893 1,978,735 2,037,413 1,664,749 1,939,292

Import Countries
12 - 2018 01 - 2019 02 - 2019 03 - 2019 04 - 2019 05 - 2019
India 109 2.255 101 25.944 191.750 587.474
Unknown 15.968 23.846 321 5.022 37.050 45.530
Bangladesh 10.975 23.228
Japan 1.262 1.594 463 785
Switzerland 538
Finland 81
Total 17,339 27,776 1,423 42,726 252,028 633,004