Deploy a report

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 297 30.089 39.291 51.457 32.222
United States 101.971 2.856 19.299 6.281
Sweden 186 7.281
Germany 1.194
El Salvador 22
Total 103,484 30,089 42,147 70,942 45,784

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
France 1.358
Total 1,358

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 297 30.089 39.291 51.457 32.222
United States 101.971 2.856 19.299 6.281
Sweden 186 7.281
Germany 1.194
El Salvador 22
Total 103,484 30,089 42,147 70,942 45,784

Import Countries
France 1.358
Total 1,358

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: wallpaper - wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen cies of paper: - Monthly FOB USD