Deploy a report

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 70.272.256 71.391.170 93.982.656 97.013.444 79.460.836
China 19.115.352 19.227.873 27.396.242 34.556.682 31.152.638
Peru 8.681.348 7.452.171 10.493.810 12.972.515 11.836.369
Brazil 2.953.040 2.752.234 2.847.896 3.370.350 3.140.685
El Salvador 1.400.320 812.139 1.709.633 3.983.765 1.632.765
Netherlands 888.400 767.943 1.889.385 3.272.795 2.628.695
Thailand 864.934 841.704 2.611.727 3.204.927 1.660.817
France 1.156.044 1.368.103 1.712.337 1.954.909 2.877.333
Spain 510 1.849.715 2.687.196 2.010.937 2.238.068
Taiwan 1.821.000 1.263.000 1.349.000 2.586.000 1.519.000
Others 16.760.751 10.596.552 10.709.347 11.624.545 9.863.436
Total 123,913,954 118,322,605 157,389,230 176,550,868 148,010,641

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 3.281.096 3.753.533 8.519.775 10.440.904 9.699.850
Honduras 1.020.134 562.872 1.087.100 1.322.361 1.611.904
Germany 487.971 620.140 695.986 410.885 576.257
El Salvador 167.179 155.291 305.914 227.322
Colombia 675.216 23.560
Uruguay 09 658.660
Peru 232.087 91.502 99.974 72.402 52.984
Guatemala 8.053 40.953 88 413.284
France 122.245 62.934 106.061 57.732 80.999
Panama 114.456 41.270 72.437 97.719 68.964
Others 139.666 274.607 266.945 225.063 184.475
Total 6,248,103 5,626,661 11,154,289 12,854,388 13,347,378

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 70.272.256 71.391.170 93.982.656 97.013.444 79.460.836
China 19.115.352 19.227.873 27.396.242 34.556.682 31.152.638
Peru 8.681.348 7.452.171 10.493.810 12.972.515 11.836.369
Brazil 2.953.040 2.752.234 2.847.896 3.370.350 3.140.685
El Salvador 1.400.320 812.139 1.709.633 3.983.765 1.632.765
Netherlands 888.400 767.943 1.889.385 3.272.795 2.628.695
Thailand 864.934 841.704 2.611.727 3.204.927 1.660.817
France 1.156.044 1.368.103 1.712.337 1.954.909 2.877.333
Spain 510 1.849.715 2.687.196 2.010.937 2.238.068
Taiwan 1.821.000 1.263.000 1.349.000 2.586.000 1.519.000
Others 16.760.751 10.596.552 10.709.347 11.624.545 9.863.436
Total 123,913,954 118,322,605 157,389,230 176,550,868 148,010,641

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 3.281.096 3.753.533 8.519.775 10.440.904 9.699.850
Honduras 1.020.134 562.872 1.087.100 1.322.361 1.611.904
Germany 487.971 620.140 695.986 410.885 576.257
El Salvador 167.179 155.291 305.914 227.322
Colombia 675.216 23.560
Uruguay 09 658.660
Peru 232.087 91.502 99.974 72.402 52.984
Guatemala 8.053 40.953 88 413.284
France 122.245 62.934 106.061 57.732 80.999
Panama 114.456 41.270 72.437 97.719 68.964
Others 139.666 274.607 266.945 225.063 184.475
Total 6,248,103 5,626,661 11,154,289 12,854,388 13,347,378

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: plastics and articles thereof - Monthly FOB USD