Deploy a report

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 481.193 721.223 554.701 1.219.912 1.154.057
Netherlands 87.835 96.234 17.307 12.103 8.627
Brazil 64.078 56.434 40.116 24.056 26.665
Belgium 491 329 206.494
Italy 14.801 5.736 34.308 56.740 12.411
Germany 5.862 5.937 24.019 32.528 46.930
China 5.568 6.478 6.596 9.219 10.219
United Kingdom 27.937
Slovenia 4.778 7.044 3.786 965
Denmark 86 951 1.981
Others 11 1.296 644 276 1.168
Total 692,150 900,873 682,757 1,355,798 1,468,552

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
France 498
Total 498

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 481.193 721.223 554.701 1.219.912 1.154.057
Netherlands 87.835 96.234 17.307 12.103 8.627
Brazil 64.078 56.434 40.116 24.056 26.665
Belgium 491 329 206.494
Italy 14.801 5.736 34.308 56.740 12.411
Germany 5.862 5.937 24.019 32.528 46.930
China 5.568 6.478 6.596 9.219 10.219
United Kingdom 27.937
Slovenia 4.778 7.044 3.786 965
Denmark 86 951 1.981
Others 11 1.296 644 276 1.168
Total 692,150 900,873 682,757 1,355,798 1,468,552

Import Countries
France 498
Total 498

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: organic composite solvents - - Monthly FOB USD