Deploy a report

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Thailand 12.703 23.967 5.806 21.731 45.822
China 907 4.471 3.531 21.332 77.310
United States 11.848 33.865 6.085 6.405
Germany 6.431 5.452 3.617 15.027 12.233
United Kingdom 17.547
France 3.601 5.681 1.197
Colombia 9.265
Italy 5.365
Peru 3.173 1.009
South Korea 2.000
Others 93 466
Total 60,701 37,064 55,785 70,958 143,434

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Netherlands 18.167 16.374 11.146 11.150 7.063
Spain 8.749 16.316 4.563
United States 2.319 14.395 4.918
Italy 19.466
Estonia 6.484 4.946 6.566
France 15.006 812 38
United Kingdom 11.841 3.261
Greece 2.737 8.192 2.759
Germany 1.303 2.557 748
Norway 120 691 3.754
Others 4.866 56 1.643
Total 32,327 34,641 70,077 48,826 27,135

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Thailand 12.703 23.967 5.806 21.731 45.822
China 907 4.471 3.531 21.332 77.310
United States 11.848 33.865 6.085 6.405
Germany 6.431 5.452 3.617 15.027 12.233
United Kingdom 17.547
France 3.601 5.681 1.197
Colombia 9.265
Italy 5.365
Peru 3.173 1.009
South Korea 2.000
Others 93 466
Total 60,701 37,064 55,785 70,958 143,434

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Netherlands 18.167 16.374 11.146 11.150 7.063
Spain 8.749 16.316 4.563
United States 2.319 14.395 4.918
Italy 19.466
Estonia 6.484 4.946 6.566
France 15.006 812 38
United Kingdom 11.841 3.261
Greece 2.737 8.192 2.759
Germany 1.303 2.557 748
Norway 120 691 3.754
Others 4.866 56 1.643
Total 32,327 34,641 70,077 48,826 27,135

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Trinidad and Tobago - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD