Deploy a report

Chart - Russia - Imports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Russia - Imports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Table - Russia - Imports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
China 77.032.245 66.700.490 62.368.292 51.956.652 74.410.375 5.530.515
Germany 33.012.253 26.087.200 36.614.621 35.514.139 34.822.052 3.464.812
Ireland 18.484.377 23.546.624 23.896.213 14.846.137 19.881.368 2.549.071
Slovakia 13.536.143 15.320.269 19.748.145 21.723.916 22.276.963 1.387.154
Poland 5.931.480 9.731.670 10.323.071 11.149.244 10.528.122 995.281
United States 8.752.763 8.214.499 10.335.860 8.061.037 10.717.239 559.562
Italy 7.799.669 9.959.231 9.155.083 6.898.684 9.314.202 251.242
United Kingdom 4.521.093 6.229.494 5.917.735 5.804.238 4.260.774 21.985
South Korea 2.741.200 4.263.105 4.764.760 6.135.134 7.436.476 409.784
Belarus 1.604.507 2.395.738 2.527.796 2.515.306 2.729.176 222.482
Others 10.029.930 10.318.781 10.266.005 11.648.021 11.646.381 1.762.705
Total 183,445,660 182,767,101 195,917,581 176,252,508 208,023,127 17,154,592

Chart - Russia - Imports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Russia - Imports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Russia - Imports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
08 - 2021 09 - 2021 10 - 2021 11 - 2021 12 - 2021 01 - 2022
China 9.160.333 4.712.671 7.115.154 5.122.247 8.668.546 5.530.515
Germany 3.438.524 4.130.776 3.689.938 3.164.185 4.067.370 3.464.812
Ireland 2.176.742 2.145.657 1.905.041 2.052.937 816.496 2.549.071
Slovakia 1.564.971 538.928 2.602.612 1.728.681 3.740.442 1.387.154
United States 1.501.760 1.131.630 1.636.667 1.063.452 553.019 559.562
Poland 914.286 793.297 765.460 750.821 846.346 995.281
Italy 559.794 855.744 957.956 1.047.637 945.690 251.242
United Kingdom 464.722 463.575 1.384.071 252.645 234.536 21.985
South Korea 380.432 294.544 340.914 821.939 376.726 409.784
Belarus 190.370 257.849 257.796 373.513 252.564 222.482
Others 759.646 845.720 1.143.566 1.464.313 1.038.575 1.762.705
Total 21,111,579 16,170,390 21,799,174 17,842,369 21,540,310 17,154,592

Chart - Russia - Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Russia - Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Table - Russia - Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Belarus 14.072.826 11.513.106 12.416.777 13.278.100 14.983.192 946.556
Kazakhstan 11.572.306 10.515.708 10.715.101 9.809.819 11.773.312 846.200
Ukraine 11.021.153 8.948.261 8.126.073 9.061.332 10.256.746 795.229
Uzbekistan 8.435.985 11.429.611 4.120.349 2.287.414 3.623.967 73.034
Azerbaijan 3.123.490 3.739.333 4.147.543 4.919.896 5.513.188 445.364
Latvia 3.646.739 3.795.582 5.126.687 3.249.513 4.204.739 255.503
Kyrgyzstan 3.424.715 2.851.847 3.507.502 3.010.220 3.763.172 191.058
Georgia 2.918.224 2.495.510 3.475.269 3.212.968 3.763.392 416.422
Turkey 1.491.210 2.417.493 3.257.064 2.800.399 2.584.625 61.256
Tajikistan 1.615.452 1.770.231 2.089.454 2.401.330 2.530.973 198.464
Others 9.705.451 11.841.326 13.836.879 12.554.310 15.090.586 843.491
Total 71,027,551 71,318,008 70,818,698 66,585,301 78,087,894 5,072,578

Chart - Russia - Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Russia - Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Russia - Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
08 - 2021 09 - 2021 10 - 2021 11 - 2021 12 - 2021 01 - 2022
Belarus 1.693.822 1.626.035 923.195 1.823.593 1.046.620 946.556
Kazakhstan 1.122.226 1.081.186 1.290.035 1.189.252 953.147 846.200
Ukraine 995.117 814.802 833.281 709.990 1.086.664 795.229
Azerbaijan 363.433 453.219 461.513 344.235 499.847 445.364
Uzbekistan 277.743 679.544 510.617 613.660 405.486 73.034
Latvia 327.243 527.727 299.838 276.315 447.967 255.503
Kyrgyzstan 256.076 372.142 535.696 418.906 195.465 191.058
Georgia 377.282 302.419 262.822 239.702 362.002 416.422
Mongolia 291.786 317.542 129.778 258.031 222.149 240.878
Turkey 115.409 511.767 73.229 109.554 502.261 61.256
Others 1.043.112 1.465.510 1.005.542 1.262.573 1.511.567 801.077
Total 6,863,250 8,151,893 6,325,545 7,245,812 7,233,175 5,072,578

Chart - Russia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Russia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Table - Russia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
China 77.032.245 66.700.490 62.368.292 51.956.652 74.410.375 5.530.515
Germany 33.012.253 26.087.200 36.614.621 35.514.139 34.822.052 3.464.812
Ireland 18.484.377 23.546.624 23.896.213 14.846.137 19.881.368 2.549.071
Slovakia 13.536.143 15.320.269 19.748.145 21.723.916 22.276.963 1.387.154
Poland 5.931.480 9.731.670 10.323.071 11.149.244 10.528.122 995.281
United States 8.752.763 8.214.499 10.335.860 8.061.037 10.717.239 559.562
Italy 7.799.669 9.959.231 9.155.083 6.898.684 9.314.202 251.242
United Kingdom 4.521.093 6.229.494 5.917.735 5.804.238 4.260.774 21.985
South Korea 2.741.200 4.263.105 4.764.760 6.135.134 7.436.476 409.784
Belarus 1.604.507 2.395.738 2.527.796 2.515.306 2.729.176 222.482
Others 10.029.930 10.318.781 10.266.005 11.648.021 11.646.381 1.762.705
Total 183,445,660 182,767,101 195,917,581 176,252,508 208,023,127 17,154,592

Import Countries
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Belarus 14.072.826 11.513.106 12.416.777 13.278.100 14.983.192 946.556
Kazakhstan 11.572.306 10.515.708 10.715.101 9.809.819 11.773.312 846.200
Ukraine 11.021.153 8.948.261 8.126.073 9.061.332 10.256.746 795.229
Uzbekistan 8.435.985 11.429.611 4.120.349 2.287.414 3.623.967 73.034
Azerbaijan 3.123.490 3.739.333 4.147.543 4.919.896 5.513.188 445.364
Latvia 3.646.739 3.795.582 5.126.687 3.249.513 4.204.739 255.503
Kyrgyzstan 3.424.715 2.851.847 3.507.502 3.010.220 3.763.172 191.058
Georgia 2.918.224 2.495.510 3.475.269 3.212.968 3.763.392 416.422
Turkey 1.491.210 2.417.493 3.257.064 2.800.399 2.584.625 61.256
Tajikistan 1.615.452 1.770.231 2.089.454 2.401.330 2.530.973 198.464
Others 9.705.451 11.841.326 13.836.879 12.554.310 15.090.586 843.491
Total 71,027,551 71,318,008 70,818,698 66,585,301 78,087,894 5,072,578

Chart - Russia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Russia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Russia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: dental products - preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages: - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
08 - 2021 09 - 2021 10 - 2021 11 - 2021 12 - 2021 01 - 2022
China 9.160.333 4.712.671 7.115.154 5.122.247 8.668.546 5.530.515
Germany 3.438.524 4.130.776 3.689.938 3.164.185 4.067.370 3.464.812
Ireland 2.176.742 2.145.657 1.905.041 2.052.937 816.496 2.549.071
Slovakia 1.564.971 538.928 2.602.612 1.728.681 3.740.442 1.387.154
United States 1.501.760 1.131.630 1.636.667 1.063.452 553.019 559.562
Poland 914.286 793.297 765.460 750.821 846.346 995.281
Italy 559.794 855.744 957.956 1.047.637 945.690 251.242
United Kingdom 464.722 463.575 1.384.071 252.645 234.536 21.985
South Korea 380.432 294.544 340.914 821.939 376.726 409.784
Belarus 190.370 257.849 257.796 373.513 252.564 222.482
Others 759.646 845.720 1.143.566 1.464.313 1.038.575 1.762.705
Total 21,111,579 16,170,390 21,799,174 17,842,369 21,540,310 17,154,592

Import Countries
08 - 2021 09 - 2021 10 - 2021 11 - 2021 12 - 2021 01 - 2022
Belarus 1.693.822 1.626.035 923.195 1.823.593 1.046.620 946.556
Kazakhstan 1.122.226 1.081.186 1.290.035 1.189.252 953.147 846.200
Ukraine 995.117 814.802 833.281 709.990 1.086.664 795.229
Azerbaijan 363.433 453.219 461.513 344.235 499.847 445.364
Uzbekistan 277.743 679.544 510.617 613.660 405.486 73.034
Latvia 327.243 527.727 299.838 276.315 447.967 255.503
Kyrgyzstan 256.076 372.142 535.696 418.906 195.465 191.058
Georgia 377.282 302.419 262.822 239.702 362.002 416.422
Mongolia 291.786 317.542 129.778 258.031 222.149 240.878
Turkey 115.409 511.767 73.229 109.554 502.261 61.256
Others 1.043.112 1.465.510 1.005.542 1.262.573 1.511.567 801.077
Total 6,863,250 8,151,893 6,325,545 7,245,812 7,233,175 5,072,578