Deploy a report

Chart - Morocco - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Morocco - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Morocco - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Italy 652.642 827.497 1.142.422 949.052 731.471
China 258.515 574.072 215.344 441.277 222.240
Germany 152.901 81.882 266.798 198.679 440.551
Spain 2.212 164.650 123.003 205.207 272.697
Thailand 128.011 170.062 93.021 123.956 143.097
Turkey 45.391 109.577
Greece 21.500 10.641 62.580 47.280
United Kingdom 124.859
Netherlands 7.944 65.516 41.322 07
France 13.072 13.376 3.534 36.434 45.098
Others 20.336 20.133 31.629 33.712 50.956
Total 1,427,384 2,037,406 1,938,331 2,029,640 1,953,398

Chart - Morocco - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Morocco - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Morocco - Imports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
Italy 89.424 106.895 3.303 87.048 138.228
Germany 53.834 17.942 29.875 17.180 14.583 71.434
China 5.576 27.447 11.632 2.900 22.997 27.120
Spain 26.563 1.168 1.706 40.370
Thailand 12.774 13.963 28.110
Greece 29.964 17.526
France 654 971 149 14.123 4.370
Netherlands 6.335
Belgium 367 470 3.834 311 1.133
Brazil 5.935
Others 2.000 621
Total 181,819 198,998 63,923 140,483 42,883 312,731

Chart - Morocco - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Morocco - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Morocco - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
France 57.623 37.369 82.224 51.105 61.623
Italy 50.517 70.194
Israel 3.000
Norway 398
Belgium 17
Total 108,140 107,562 82,224 51,122 65,020

Chart - Morocco - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Morocco - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Morocco - Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
12 - 2023 03 - 2024
France 8.807 8.776
Total 8,807 8,776

Chart - Morocco - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Morocco - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Table - Morocco - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Italy 652.642 827.497 1.142.422 949.052 731.471
China 258.515 574.072 215.344 441.277 222.240
Germany 152.901 81.882 266.798 198.679 440.551
Spain 2.212 164.650 123.003 205.207 272.697
Thailand 128.011 170.062 93.021 123.956 143.097
Turkey 45.391 109.577
Greece 21.500 10.641 62.580 47.280
United Kingdom 124.859
Netherlands 7.944 65.516 41.322 07
France 13.072 13.376 3.534 36.434 45.098
Others 20.336 20.133 31.629 33.712 50.956
Total 1,427,384 2,037,406 1,938,331 2,029,640 1,953,398

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
France 57.623 37.369 82.224 51.105 61.623
Italy 50.517 70.194
Israel 3.000
Norway 398
Belgium 17
Total 108,140 107,562 82,224 51,122 65,020

Chart - Morocco - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Morocco - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Morocco - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: pastes and waxes - - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
Italy 89.424 106.895 3.303 87.048 138.228
Germany 53.834 17.942 29.875 17.180 14.583 71.434
China 5.576 27.447 11.632 2.900 22.997 27.120
Spain 26.563 1.168 1.706 40.370
Thailand 12.774 13.963 28.110
Greece 29.964 17.526
France 654 971 149 14.123 4.370
Netherlands 6.335
Belgium 367 470 3.834 311 1.133
Brazil 5.935
Others 2.000 621
Total 181,819 198,998 63,923 140,483 42,883 312,731

Import Countries
12 - 2023 03 - 2024
France 8.807 8.776
Total 8,807 8,776