Deploy a report

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 204.536.346 244.224.099 306.893.302 414.411.500 479.049.227
United States 78.234.097 73.806.528 114.664.717 105.980.450 103.858.676
Belgium 28.487.662 42.096.337 72.808.129 106.707.421 87.005.137
South Africa 47.793.112 19.792.762 34.413.990 69.850.224 83.428.603
Netherlands 31.221.311 61.699.901 52.943.043 48.529.188 54.500.325
Brazil 40.367.954 55.984.177 42.686.939 30.696.191 44.613.646
South Korea 8.495.000 7.920.000 8.933.000 9.073.000 81.260.000
Malaysia 20.633.674 24.848.060 17.560.843 13.248.657 17.342.204
Germany 13.710.505 12.784.031 16.660.722 18.642.904 21.669.051
Turkey 39.142.434 40.452.694
Others 130.416.474 101.974.322 109.499.409 116.747.622 118.240.402
Total 643,038,568 685,582,911 777,064,093 933,887,157 1,090,967,270

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
84 - nuclear reactor... 74.677.130 61.881.621 77.482.635 104.901.660 165.253.470
85 - electrical mach... 64.203.524 52.166.309 56.449.986 76.117.727 146.057.536
10 - cereals 77.725.679 103.844.863 81.425.386 79.482.453 36.471.368
87 - vehicles other... 42.829.228 45.255.428 74.181.877 57.316.728 78.101.758
30 - pharmaceutical... 16.436.389 47.942.879 33.407.175 61.731.838 48.898.419
39 - plastics and ar... 17.694.437 23.660.085 37.735.739 53.924.214 59.714.521
73 - articles of iro... 22.746.761 23.117.221 34.359.870 49.163.580 62.272.208
72 - iron and steel 33.726.324 33.866.505 23.880.184 42.284.561 31.497.113
27 - mineral fuels... 14.086.508 20.065.780 37.482.714 52.785.024 25.968.611
21 - miscellaneous e... 26.408.225 26.284.277 21.232.703 28.387.653 24.014.374
Others 252.504.364 247.497.943 299.425.825 327.791.719 412.717.890
Total 643,038,568 685,582,911 777,064,093 933,887,157 1,090,967,270

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
Tariff Numbers
China United States Belgium South Africa Netherlands Brazil South Korea Malaysia Germany Turkey Others Total
84 - nuclear reactor... 171.105.992 25.058.336 27.903.653 103.207.283 20.405.569 1.360.415 6.954.000 9.500.580 26.551.304 1.848.942 90.300.444 484.196.517
85 - electrical mach... 220.022.158 12.522.146 15.137.555 19.601.102 5.159.247 131.844 66.380.000 1.626.784 4.789.317 1.684.082 47.940.848 394.995.082
10 - cereals 221.065.000 7.967.071 501.170 240.765 490 79.794.499 69.380.754 378.949.749
87 - vehicles other... 50.905.255 133.653.824 42.156.928 9.567.550 20.201.163 47.819 4.618.000 179.232 20.938.469 645.979 14.770.800 297.685.019
30 - pharmaceutical... 47.867.015 17.524.763 69.103.046 462.943 35.067.056 1.013.936 9.825.000 45.376 3.206.212 128.499 24.172.855 208.416.701
39 - plastics and ar... 54.163.301 79.876.863 1.552.281 16.937.190 2.268.362 184.023 17.751.000 2.443.243 2.295.493 577.857 14.679.383 192.728.996
73 - articles of iro... 132.273.812 1.000.372 7.191.976 29.948.008 1.121.584 48.787 2.858.000 187.505 665.695 1.789.826 14.574.075 191.659.639
72 - iron and steel 128.849.776 20.584 145.760 1.432.923 257.779 74.520 33.588.105 885.240 165.254.687
27 - mineral fuels... 1.042.560 145.653 116.431.249 4.131.997 1.079.313 432.974 6.000 1.525 2.600 4.478.443 22.636.322 150.388.637
21 - miscellaneous e... 49.113.735 39.113.874 13.913.800 4.489.803 5.096.307 510 24.000 1.745.278 1.915.058 1.055.203 9.859.665 126.327.232
Others 572.705.870 159.660.982 43.067.267 65.259.127 158.236.898 131.334.100 7.265.000 77.903.915 23.028.546 33.798.192 267.677.844 1.539.937.741
Total 1,649,114,474 476,544,468 337,104,685 255,278,691 248,893,768 214,348,907 115,681,000 93,633,437 83,467,213 79,595,128 576,878,229 4,130,540,000

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
China 40.885.973 43.124.203 48.814.966 55.729.158 43.192.930 35.031.904
United States 13.037.517 14.834.334 8.694.966 9.155.701 12.255.983 12.015.722
Belgium 8.462.912 2.650.750 8.387.243 2.539.780 6.717.517 4.224.196
South Africa 1.805.113 8.797.788 8.501.587 2.023.212 2.351.629 2.058.796
South Korea 8.123.000 9.945.000 3.533.000 1.777.000 504.000 563.000
Spain 757.341 888.379 5.114.689 5.034.680 5.591.816 4.813.833
Netherlands 3.221.894 3.694.803 4.065.085 3.278.829 2.668.224 4.380.661
Brazil 3.015.618 2.494.960 2.047.565 2.893.060 3.324.825 1.738.659
Paraguay 579.510 2.284.201 3.183.056 5.204.673 3.771.979 133.650
France 808.281 1.426.707 1.753.341 2.858.620 1.831.390 2.820.208
Others 5.920.142 6.941.106 11.782.708 7.437.765 7.875.355 9.517.204
Total 86,617,301 97,082,231 105,878,206 97,932,478 90,085,649 77,297,833

Chart - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Taiwan 7.466.741.000 8.075.429.000 9.586.521.000 5.859.702.000
China 189.254.384 144.631.843 407.396.857 769.317.390 946.350.176
Belgium 140.218.409 116.388.174 185.927.731 154.746.981 86.031.792
Netherlands 27.946.734 44.047.138 41.437.888 44.601.328 68.980.222
Romania 57.710.404 40.765.111 65.436.686 13.265.487 98.076
Japan 19.638.014 32.025.831 12.893.675 22.809.605 38.955.961
United States 30.247.176 32.046.270 16.780.361 17.897.051 23.003.444
South Korea 16.571.000 17.324.000 13.531.000 14.174.000 15.835.000
Ireland 653 19.448 290.189 22.005.755 43.434.154
France 1.028.386 6.171.467 2.932.415 8.027.486 9.145.695
Others 13.283.933 10.847.520 15.825.746 31.934.282 18.690.439
Total 7,962,640,093 8,519,695,803 10,348,973,548 9,353,860,365 7,110,226,958

Chart - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
85 - electrical mach... 3.303.918.404 3.820.008.110 3.619.165.694 2.933.485.003
84 - nuclear reactor... 2.124.530.938 3.051.817.761 1.634.769.087 821.303.759
26 - ores, slag and... 234.487.842 202.306.150 477.823.116 867.801.743 1.109.899.209
90 - optical, photog... 574.208.210 501.026.095 826.812.037 490.782.237 311.037.609
71 - natural or cult... 305.116.777 315.652.594 484.969.704 361.490.214 191.990.317
27 - mineral fuels... 210.692.000 299.862.470 183.496.445 238.026.229 428.104.352
29 - organic chemica... 236.068.189 163.479.144 401.420.747 341.951.539 179.288.029
38 - miscellaneous c... 176.590.472 180.006.266 229.639.095 318.863.707 269.146.224
39 - plastics and ar... 150.104.479 142.272.973 162.613.419 135.091.449 133.651.505
44 - wood and articl... 129.437.035 123.703.857 158.597.409 99.793.753 612.890
Others 517.485.747 646.220.041 752.618.119 761.272.383 731.708.062
Total 7,962,640,093 8,519,695,803 10,348,973,548 9,353,860,365 7,110,226,958

Chart - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
Tariff Numbers
Taiwan China Belgium Netherlands Romania Japan United States South Korea Ireland France Others Total
85 - electrical mach... 17.757.695.000 363.104 25.607 120.890 8.630 604.586 17.621.414 251.000 93.589 239.429 3.571.984 17.780.595.233
84 - nuclear reactor... 9.734.032.000 413.375 129.423 155.883 4.283 60.122 17.517.944 293.000 52.841 444.160 4.476.616 9.757.579.647
26 - ores, slag and... 3.140.000 1.943.808.513 477.218.759 23.414.151 177.190.526 123.621.493 13.880.780 17.952.000 64.644.171 20.917.219 26.530.450 2.892.318.061
90 - optical, photog... 2.696.332.000 15.859 78.717 43.364 15.906 30.538 5.552.165 9.000 37.731 50.628 1.700.281 2.703.866.188
71 - natural or cult... 1.429.376.000 1.272 187.217.656 26.221 568.770 36.385.387 142.000 87 466.523 5.035.689 1.659.219.605
27 - mineral fuels... 1.359.972.000 1.706 83 625 10.000 560 196.523 1.360.181.497
29 - organic chemica... 1.322.058.000 350 451 01 116.372 7.460 25.015 1.322.207.649
38 - miscellaneous c... 1.171.859.000 411.772 07 554.619 111.558 35.965 11.100 1.261.744
39 - plastics and ar... 722.663.000 129.312 9.025 7.491 668.455 8.000 7.383 6.955 234.204 723.733.825
44 - wood and articl... 537.000 510.501.542 111 3.437 210.785 71.000 862 45.390 774.817 512.144.944
Others 3.045.810.000 1.303.845 18.633.248 202.686.629 56.419 1.437.576 27.909.442 58.699.000 877.571 5.116.023 46.774.598 3.409.304.353
Total 39,243,474,000 2,456,950,650 683,313,088 227,013,311 177,275,764 126,323,086 119,974,302 77,435,000 65,750,199 27,305,448 90,581,920 43,295,396,766

Chart - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
Taiwan 517.524.000 397.415.000 436.159.000 484.251.000 406.706.000 453.178.000
China 59.632.510 59.627.745 95.626.193 80.428.266 84.958.509 112.257.851
Belgium 1.490.801 1.128.017 11.123.967 5.632.468 4.693.763 11.776.218
Netherlands 2.996.079 4.862.216 2.634.019 2.394.756 17.769.956 2.468.116
Japan 2.310 29.628 9.184.212 23.861.665
Ireland 2.507.548 7.632.410 2.373.379 2.802.433 2.372.210 5.067.720
United States 8.634.524 1.084.257 1.150.662 516.889 950.546 1.617.360
South Korea 1.328.000 748.000 1.767.000 819.000 1.501.000 1.844.000
Greece 283.894 51 2.455.602 2.419
France 2.117.078 33.100 15.131 242.231 48.612 36.948
Others 541.588 770.254 1.253.219 1.190.510 336.830 1.459.957
Total 596,772,127 473,587,204 552,102,570 578,307,231 530,977,241 613,570,255

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 204.536.346 244.224.099 306.893.302 414.411.500 479.049.227
United States 78.234.097 73.806.528 114.664.717 105.980.450 103.858.676
Belgium 28.487.662 42.096.337 72.808.129 106.707.421 87.005.137
South Africa 47.793.112 19.792.762 34.413.990 69.850.224 83.428.603
Netherlands 31.221.311 61.699.901 52.943.043 48.529.188 54.500.325
Brazil 40.367.954 55.984.177 42.686.939 30.696.191 44.613.646
South Korea 8.495.000 7.920.000 8.933.000 9.073.000 81.260.000
Malaysia 20.633.674 24.848.060 17.560.843 13.248.657 17.342.204
Germany 13.710.505 12.784.031 16.660.722 18.642.904 21.669.051
Turkey 39.142.434 40.452.694
Others 130.416.474 101.974.322 109.499.409 116.747.622 118.240.402
Total 643,038,568 685,582,911 777,064,093 933,887,157 1,090,967,270

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Taiwan 7.466.741.000 8.075.429.000 9.586.521.000 5.859.702.000
China 189.254.384 144.631.843 407.396.857 769.317.390 946.350.176
Belgium 140.218.409 116.388.174 185.927.731 154.746.981 86.031.792
Netherlands 27.946.734 44.047.138 41.437.888 44.601.328 68.980.222
Romania 57.710.404 40.765.111 65.436.686 13.265.487 98.076
Japan 19.638.014 32.025.831 12.893.675 22.809.605 38.955.961
United States 30.247.176 32.046.270 16.780.361 17.897.051 23.003.444
South Korea 16.571.000 17.324.000 13.531.000 14.174.000 15.835.000
Ireland 653 19.448 290.189 22.005.755 43.434.154
France 1.028.386 6.171.467 2.932.415 8.027.486 9.145.695
Others 13.283.933 10.847.520 15.825.746 31.934.282 18.690.439
Total 7,962,640,093 8,519,695,803 10,348,973,548 9,353,860,365 7,110,226,958

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Sierra Leone - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
China 40.885.973 43.124.203 48.814.966 55.729.158 43.192.930 35.031.904
United States 13.037.517 14.834.334 8.694.966 9.155.701 12.255.983 12.015.722
Belgium 8.462.912 2.650.750 8.387.243 2.539.780 6.717.517 4.224.196
South Africa 1.805.113 8.797.788 8.501.587 2.023.212 2.351.629 2.058.796
South Korea 8.123.000 9.945.000 3.533.000 1.777.000 504.000 563.000
Spain 757.341 888.379 5.114.689 5.034.680 5.591.816 4.813.833
Netherlands 3.221.894 3.694.803 4.065.085 3.278.829 2.668.224 4.380.661
Brazil 3.015.618 2.494.960 2.047.565 2.893.060 3.324.825 1.738.659
Paraguay 579.510 2.284.201 3.183.056 5.204.673 3.771.979 133.650
France 808.281 1.426.707 1.753.341 2.858.620 1.831.390 2.820.208
Others 5.920.142 6.941.106 11.782.708 7.437.765 7.875.355 9.517.204
Total 86,617,301 97,082,231 105,878,206 97,932,478 90,085,649 77,297,833

Import Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
Taiwan 517.524.000 397.415.000 436.159.000 484.251.000 406.706.000 453.178.000
China 59.632.510 59.627.745 95.626.193 80.428.266 84.958.509 112.257.851
Belgium 1.490.801 1.128.017 11.123.967 5.632.468 4.693.763 11.776.218
Netherlands 2.996.079 4.862.216 2.634.019 2.394.756 17.769.956 2.468.116
Japan 2.310 29.628 9.184.212 23.861.665
Ireland 2.507.548 7.632.410 2.373.379 2.802.433 2.372.210 5.067.720
United States 8.634.524 1.084.257 1.150.662 516.889 950.546 1.617.360
South Korea 1.328.000 748.000 1.767.000 819.000 1.501.000 1.844.000
Greece 283.894 51 2.455.602 2.419
France 2.117.078 33.100 15.131 242.231 48.612 36.948
Others 541.588 770.254 1.253.219 1.190.510 336.830 1.459.957
Total 596,772,127 473,587,204 552,102,570 578,307,231 530,977,241 613,570,255