Deploy a report

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan 59.309.836 19.372.511 22.053.464 34.264.235 18.408.152
South Korea 15.695.000 17.099.000 15.836.000 24.327.000 13.186.000
Thailand 2.892.161 2.673.877 1.759.853 2.264.612 1.686.372
New Zealand 3.942.895 2.908.749
Germany 468.112 2.545.192 712.534 2.426.058 228.245
France 3.767.795 567.875 12.786 204.652 688.069
Malaysia 1.189.114 832.488 994.113 506.731 463.601
Italy 1.300.739 247.526 4.108 498.283 1.065.983
Ecuador 2.144.599 515.965 399.620
Denmark 172.018 139.905 492.458 423.477 270.789
Others 308.384 469.839 455.107 485.265 1.026.443
Total 91,190,652 47,372,927 42,720,043 65,400,313 37,023,653

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
27 - mineral fuels... 36.567.692 7.166.170 7.986.722 24.481.307 6.332.648
87 - vehicles other... 19.390.353 11.649.370 11.924.193 15.919.018 10.648.428
84 - nuclear reactor... 1.967.173 3.689.530 2.864.619 2.644.836 1.717.581
19 - preparations of... 2.264.832 1.876.650 2.105.497 2.230.609 2.407.464
21 - miscellaneous e... 1.958.381 1.693.354 1.742.700 1.714.487 1.807.694
72 - iron and steel 2.364.146 1.710.263 1.903.734 761.000 1.058.499
39 - plastics and ar... 1.511.879 1.740.417 1.044.087 1.088.523 1.338.287
22 - beverages, spir... 1.202.356 999.656 1.222.761 1.037.763 1.253.542
73 - articles of iro... 1.343.446 786.167 1.125.391 1.581.717 616.888
30 - pharmaceutical... 1.096 2.013.000 1.471.609 1.544.246 93.958
Others 22.619.297 14.048.350 9.328.731 12.396.807 9.748.662
Total 91,190,652 47,372,927 42,720,043 65,400,313 37,023,653

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
Tariff Numbers
Japan South Korea Thailand New Zealand Germany France Malaysia Italy Ecuador Denmark Others Total
27 - mineral fuels... 71.978.143 10.507.000 49.231 167 82.534.540
87 - vehicles other... 59.621.752 6.770.000 3.014.777 1.728 3.833 8.009 45.782 65.482 69.531.363
84 - nuclear reactor... 2.656.885 4.040.000 237.677 52.357 4.796.407 5.780 159.269 51.820 122.948 760.597 12.883.739
19 - preparations of... 4.591.308 5.933.000 303.444 47.585 9.715 10.885.052
21 - miscellaneous e... 3.408.734 4.629.000 874.501 420 3.959 8.916.615
72 - iron and steel 966.652 6.830.000 263 728 7.797.643
39 - plastics and ar... 508.050 5.987.000 38.035 50.996 835 91.558 14.285 3.588 28.846 6.723.193
22 - beverages, spir... 2.208.508 3.191.000 26.422 255.275 6.870 14.815 13.187 5.716.078
73 - articles of iro... 377.796 4.405.000 254.663 4.669 273.414 4.720 14.638 28.601 6.799 83.309 5.453.608
30 - pharmaceutical... 5.015.000 3.630 1.560 92.473 11.246 5.123.909
Others 7.090.370 28.836.000 6.523.724 6.539.342 1.259.324 5.219.685 3.604.698 2.921.451 3.060.184 1.319.268 1.767.801 68.141.847
Total 153,408,197 86,143,000 11,276,874 6,851,643 6,380,142 5,241,177 3,986,047 3,116,639 3,060,184 1,498,647 2,745,037 283,707,588

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
South Korea 1.138.000 814.000 774.000 1.610.000 1.362.000 1.109.000
Japan 501.660 2.642.250 220.463 900.444 989.799 529.365
Thailand 196.004 151.183 120.089 233.256 253.045 134.710
France 296.757 106.904 84.179 35.132 23.487
Hungary 79.204 75.357 211.047 73.797
Italy 30.437 44.178 70.734 85.687 51.078 140.602
Malaysia 20.539 13.253 34.200 14.124 45.208 29.514
Germany 21.342 18.881 93.427 11.402
Denmark 2.583 105.548
Netherlands 14.176 6.265 15.734 18.942 7.592 10.117
Others 430 15.989 3.905 533 536 28.833
Total 2,298,550 3,888,260 1,416,732 3,076,616 2,935,138 2,005,627

Chart - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Korea 2.901.000 1.255.000 1.248.000 1.263.000 1.253.000
Sweden 33.501 1.584 8.113 2.229 246.861
Netherlands 1.127 6.441 1.180 89.357 168.629
Germany 59.848 41.542 140.871 831
Thailand 2.170 929 5.311 211.648 5.653
Italy 53.144 88.545 5.463 4.967 61.939
France 34.060 68.195 55.723 54.405 1.140
Cyprus 153.527
Spain 12.049 2.138 21.145 36.745 50.222
Japan 49.511 20.759 5.008 3.755 12.802
Others 108.914 45.741 38.158 71.741 55.464
Total 3,195,475 1,549,180 1,429,642 2,032,244 1,856,541

Chart - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
72 - iron and steel 1.300.707 766.000 1.090.000 752.000 694.000
74 - copper and arti... 1.075.000 361.000 113.152 169.000 280.000
85 - electrical mach... 71.004 14.026 101.216 507.424 345.611
76 - aluminum and ar... 406.000 65.000 30.000 151.168
27 - mineral fuels... 309 12.000 271.000 6.000
84 - nuclear reactor... 135.006 31.678 43.629 53.206 25.454
90 - optical, photog... 38.794 17.607 11.616 12.796 159.512
73 - articles of iro... 29.225 84.518 2.218 28.565 28.659
03 - fish and crusta... 153.527
38 - miscellaneous c... 45.025 84.233 1.000 2.982
Others 94.405 125.117 54.810 54.725 163.155
Total 3,195,475 1,549,180 1,429,642 2,032,244 1,856,541

Chart - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
Tariff Numbers
South Korea Sweden Netherlands Germany Thailand Italy France Cyprus Spain Japan Others Total
72 - iron and steel 4.602.000 707 4.602.707
74 - copper and arti... 1.998.000 152 1.998.152
85 - electrical mach... 64.000 248.630 91.969 163.388 213.363 44.605 101.918 66.028 13.814 31.565 1.039.282
76 - aluminum and ar... 648.000 4.168 652.168
27 - mineral fuels... 289.000 309 289.309
84 - nuclear reactor... 44.000 2.578 3.589 2.878 3.558 339 14.637 60.508 156.885 288.974
90 - optical, photog... 33.430 159.024 25.113 458 2.431 11.175 8.695 240.326
73 - articles of iro... 123.000 21 44.488 779 4.896 173.185
03 - fish and crusta... 153.527 153.527
38 - miscellaneous c... 1.000 129.258 2.982 133.240
Others 151.000 7.649 12.130 7.223 3.384 40.194 108.834 30.458 14.531 116.808 492.212
Total 7,920,000 292,287 266,733 243,091 225,711 214,058 213,523 153,527 122,299 91,835 320,018 10,063,083

Chart - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
South Korea 21.000 188.000 230.000 107.000 122.000 180.000
Italy 22.491 15.132 3.023 19.096
Spain 1.548 316 42.475 488 214
Ireland 3.776 26.268 108
Uruguay 3.206
Belgium 561 74 1.614 370 372 101
Malaysia 2.791
Thailand 11 09 05 25 07 1.241
Norway 1.202
Sweden 734 29
Others 725 216 759 237 48 580
Total 53,636 214,912 291,188 110,654 142,119 185,342

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan 59.309.836 19.372.511 22.053.464 34.264.235 18.408.152
South Korea 15.695.000 17.099.000 15.836.000 24.327.000 13.186.000
Thailand 2.892.161 2.673.877 1.759.853 2.264.612 1.686.372
New Zealand 3.942.895 2.908.749
Germany 468.112 2.545.192 712.534 2.426.058 228.245
France 3.767.795 567.875 12.786 204.652 688.069
Malaysia 1.189.114 832.488 994.113 506.731 463.601
Italy 1.300.739 247.526 4.108 498.283 1.065.983
Ecuador 2.144.599 515.965 399.620
Denmark 172.018 139.905 492.458 423.477 270.789
Others 308.384 469.839 455.107 485.265 1.026.443
Total 91,190,652 47,372,927 42,720,043 65,400,313 37,023,653

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Korea 2.901.000 1.255.000 1.248.000 1.263.000 1.253.000
Sweden 33.501 1.584 8.113 2.229 246.861
Netherlands 1.127 6.441 1.180 89.357 168.629
Germany 59.848 41.542 140.871 831
Thailand 2.170 929 5.311 211.648 5.653
Italy 53.144 88.545 5.463 4.967 61.939
France 34.060 68.195 55.723 54.405 1.140
Cyprus 153.527
Spain 12.049 2.138 21.145 36.745 50.222
Japan 49.511 20.759 5.008 3.755 12.802
Others 108.914 45.741 38.158 71.741 55.464
Total 3,195,475 1,549,180 1,429,642 2,032,244 1,856,541

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Northern Marianas - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
South Korea 1.138.000 814.000 774.000 1.610.000 1.362.000 1.109.000
Japan 501.660 2.642.250 220.463 900.444 989.799 529.365
Thailand 196.004 151.183 120.089 233.256 253.045 134.710
France 296.757 106.904 84.179 35.132 23.487
Hungary 79.204 75.357 211.047 73.797
Italy 30.437 44.178 70.734 85.687 51.078 140.602
Malaysia 20.539 13.253 34.200 14.124 45.208 29.514
Germany 21.342 18.881 93.427 11.402
Denmark 2.583 105.548
Netherlands 14.176 6.265 15.734 18.942 7.592 10.117
Others 430 15.989 3.905 533 536 28.833
Total 2,298,550 3,888,260 1,416,732 3,076,616 2,935,138 2,005,627

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
South Korea 21.000 188.000 230.000 107.000 122.000 180.000
Italy 22.491 15.132 3.023 19.096
Spain 1.548 316 42.475 488 214
Ireland 3.776 26.268 108
Uruguay 3.206
Belgium 561 74 1.614 370 372 101
Malaysia 2.791
Thailand 11 09 05 25 07 1.241
Norway 1.202
Sweden 734 29
Others 725 216 759 237 48 580
Total 53,636 214,912 291,188 110,654 142,119 185,342