Deploy a report

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Africa 3.349.382.898 2.494.088.047 3.586.138.909 3.684.722.721 3.557.733.476
China 149.874.013 167.804.653 297.384.841 444.096.742 422.953.215
United States 194.433.287 60.093.881 93.051.228 217.888.717 176.504.043
Bulgaria 99.566.304 147.343.318 153.630.947 103.920.541 55.305.903
Peru 88.547.143 145.464.092 504.847 142.373.533 135.291.977
Germany 47.312.723 42.643.573 58.226.816 58.330.468 70.441.623
Italy 28.167.808 7.923.151 12.757.970 133.634.382 15.960.215
Romania 16.107.043 27.168 157.949.844 48.035 450.929
Netherlands 26.473.545 21.769.654 25.761.197 33.676.856 38.880.734
Chile 65.887.048 259.945 963.021 51.619.279 24.517.957
Others 209.933.537 211.845.895 210.476.111 300.456.151 383.724.574
Total 4,275,685,347 3,299,263,376 4,596,845,731 5,170,767,423 4,881,764,646

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
84 - nuclear reactor... 475.518.073 379.179.123 539.951.523 601.653.048 701.134.354
87 - vehicles other... 436.726.714 297.064.017 467.954.717 527.848.887 550.769.029
85 - electrical mach... 250.941.401 214.045.016 275.823.287 334.646.193 397.631.477
27 - mineral fuels... 453.476.229 122.309.915 271.516.415 382.060.728 218.872.718
26 - ores, slag and... 259.860.917 296.525.385 153.615.332 304.039.386 236.704.923
73 - articles of iro... 145.808.981 121.799.757 182.037.220 197.726.629 184.410.318
39 - plastics and ar... 109.368.354 95.732.947 159.594.403 172.763.272 156.844.591
22 - beverages, spir... 122.821.720 95.335.906 136.471.635 130.981.655 144.549.117
30 - pharmaceutical... 119.627.802 107.210.528 138.333.359 126.468.827 109.807.517
72 - iron and steel 74.107.894 80.757.085 121.920.206 134.142.981 90.693.092
Others 1.827.427.262 1.489.303.697 2.149.627.633 2.258.435.816 2.090.347.512
Total 4,275,685,347 3,299,263,376 4,596,845,731 5,170,767,423 4,881,764,646

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
Tariff Numbers
South Africa China United States Bulgaria Peru Germany Italy Romania Netherlands Chile Others Total
84 - nuclear reactor... 1.897.601.159 195.198.136 139.147.567 414.670 3.243.147 73.083.859 30.378.462 211.993 64.435.063 7.171 293.714.895 2.697.436.122
87 - vehicles other... 107.565.874 13.300.895 9.151.907 2.667.301 43.402 576.373 108.000.142 2.280.363.364
85 - electrical mach... 1.039.811.565 264.206.539 28.304.057 1.329.162 94 27.111.707 6.756.594 58.517 12.500.427 93.008.713 1.473.087.375
27 - mineral fuels... 1.084.529.424 1.499.572 114.573.015 93 1.466.982 136.361.137 16.050.731 3.141.455 90.613.596 1.448.236.005
26 - ores, slag and... 8.817.933 643.326 557.537.801 508.651.466 01 25 141.504.073 33.591.317 1.250.745.943
73 - articles of iro... 605.305.833 108.336.725 46.881.250 3.016 205.991 5.091.296 1.093.197 139.106 4.519.115 386.461 59.820.914 831.782.904
39 - plastics and ar... 563.771.529 96.129.652 8.522.557 8.114 2.704 10.006.650 1.112.232 177 2.384.836 12.365.115 694.303.567
22 - beverages, spir... 579.431.404 27.585.954 680.648 14.920.467 909.008 235.156 6.397.396 630.160.034
30 - pharmaceutical... 554.013.161 10.937.315 4.922.844 62.704 2.816.055 2.257.970 10.757 2.621.195 23.806.031 601.448.032
72 - iron and steel 323.222.702 173.776.795 147.595 47 1.000.821 64.426 3.133 42.967 3.362.773 501.621.258
Others 7.976.503.872 496.233.576 385.490.728 411.453 78.142 132.305.459 16.843.197 158.065.203 56.105.373 1.349.543 591.755.375 9.815.141.920
Total 16,672,066,051 1,482,113,464 741,971,156 559,767,013 512,181,592 276,955,203 198,443,525 174,583,019 146,561,985 143,247,248 1,316,436,268 22,224,326,524

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
South Africa 342.963.036 262.109.964 234.844.212 305.078.385 306.375.109 289.823.259
China 30.695.401 28.965.183 28.744.526 21.655.972 35.838.143 21.766.646
Peru 15.765.059 36.271.155 13.722.601 42.534.850
United States 35.919.800 11.505.615 7.822.371 8.038.854 19.106.735 12.389.905
Malaysia 1.287.315 14.392.180 44.005.988 2.323.245 179.626 605.067
Germany 5.361.909 4.736.137 5.251.727 4.713.338 6.881.594 9.262.116
Spain 4.227.352 1.385.481 2.023.011 1.841.020 19.524.068 4.524.966
Norway 3.906.908 3.289.754 6.482.627 5.515.076 5.725.280 6.370.425
Chile 15.893.497 8.525.180 27.000 349.811
Netherlands 2.829.550 3.645.273 1.989.748 2.271.217 2.745.429 2.882.494
Others 13.905.758 19.643.071 22.589.364 10.750.536 23.522.485 19.368.104
Total 456,990,528 358,197,838 369,518,633 398,485,799 433,621,069 409,877,644

Chart - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Africa 901.702.206 724.881.153 1.052.459.771 1.089.475.494 1.077.482.253
China 482.043.752 538.019.412 700.379.998 586.686.522 732.676.611
Belgium 337.717.048 379.562.561 563.076.475 587.530.112 331.058.577
Spain 307.925.668 260.481.373 235.516.998 253.910.128 288.877.534
Netherlands 143.255.275 209.149.821 205.838.453 230.004.229 284.583.421
United States 144.674.692 91.048.630 153.106.764 253.651.318 134.897.583
Germany 74.423.664 165.060.833 282.991.585 27.233.020 37.052.428
Italy 141.919.845 88.058.611 95.499.840 63.844.353 58.263.120
South Korea 60.683.000 34.494.000 15.937.000 11.929.000 117.571.000
France 22.643.167 27.252.565 31.374.737 54.394.125 70.606.241
Others 245.880.550 210.040.598 108.660.449 130.487.006 220.097.621
Total 2,862,868,868 2,728,049,558 3,444,842,069 3,289,145,307 3,353,166,387

Chart - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
71 - natural or cult... 573.009.976 642.915.027 811.654.685 776.721.010 971.962.647
28 - inorganic chemi... 459.003.597 527.367.547 489.582.451 438.557.413 602.901.936
74 - copper and arti... 414.146.687 627.912.442 514.765.512 585.222.229 341.714.258
03 - fish and crusta... 478.652.727 419.755.152 452.624.682 405.699.709 455.869.861
26 - ores, slag and... 122.875.995 72.780.768 104.222.196 181.007.609 196.819.719
89 - ships, boats an... 27.668.761 6.901.674 179.138.237 147.041.607 21.284.593
01 - live animals 141.708.458 75.663.523 88.221.584 17.465.637 270.470
02 - meat and edible... 101.656.480 40.744.560 45.228.121 53.752.751 75.996.661
22 - beverages, spir... 87.702.699 34.535.636 61.428.425 90.706.477 40.977.455
25 - salt; sulfur; e... 39.310.113 30.604.152 38.666.869 94.867.019 87.772.400
Others 417.133.374 248.869.078 659.309.305 498.103.844 557.596.387
Total 2,862,868,868 2,728,049,558 3,444,842,069 3,289,145,307 3,353,166,387

Chart - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
Tariff Numbers
South Africa China Belgium Spain Netherlands United States Germany Italy South Korea France Others Total
71 - natural or cult... 2.467.569.937 2.921.774 724.071.668 21.657 26.418 533.228.131 4.473.535 829.543 11.000 23.384.527 19.725.154 3.776.263.346
28 - inorganic chemi... 272.878 2.363.324.273 145.720 160 387 3.379 10.213 31.477 12.518.000 14.281 141.092.176 2.517.412.945
74 - copper and arti... 18.210.219 77.970.572 1.383.329.168 1.382.907 588.983.324 202.227.313 97.852.252 90.365.000 679 23.439.696 2.483.761.128
03 - fish and crusta... 218.441.156 15.819.521 4.550.440 94.183.240 5.933.850 74.606.999 212.742.844 19.770.000 143.901.308 150.651.775 2.212.602.131
26 - ores, slag and... 1.241.369 250.335.310 32.568.669 54.293.110 1.976 83.734.274 1.776.669 25.368.146 115.986.000 112.400.765 677.706.287
89 - ships, boats an... 381.863.660 23.742 141.250 4.539 1.370 312 382.034.873
01 - live animals 322.697.839 237 2.140 590.861 5.915 02 32.679 323.329.673
02 - meat and edible... 31.743.465 33.974.595 7.006 4.588 97.309.789 2.999.118 1.337.721 3.896.406 1.678.984 144.426.901 317.378.573
22 - beverages, spir... 314.403.042 12.745 02 177 4.045 83.656 657.844 41.000 1.534 146.647 315.350.692
25 - salt; sulfur; e... 82.516.653 153.558.126 56.352 1.751.365 451.035 328.350 6.436.811 43.039.492 4.000 183.189 2.895.179 291.220.552
Others 141.889.379 54.215.749 17.232.760 291.868.846 150.336.118 295.228.510 63.821.070 1.919.000 37.104.960 320.354.940 2.381.011.989
Total 4,846,000,876 3,039,806,295 2,198,944,774 1,346,711,701 1,072,831,200 777,378,987 586,761,529 447,585,768 240,614,000 206,270,834 915,166,225 15,678,072,188

Chart - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
South Africa 98.390.007 105.712.299 96.103.017 99.596.351 96.997.631 96.132.518
China 44.544.480 86.383.047 112.356.694 23.914.812 84.170.849 83.160.395
Belgium 19.961.912 32.206.033 42.749.631 32.370.109 53.685.909 72.765.490
Uruguay 1.160.335 102 2.600.187 93.485.773 90.330.475
Netherlands 12.011.711 41.883.628 44.868.573 23.195.929 14.354.915 32.895.778
Spain 31.849.133 19.408.782 15.629.723 15.420.793 20.619.261 36.139.958
South Korea 52.000 23.000 74.000 116.000 66.410.000 11.106.000
United States 10.331.669 8.210.146 5.523.769 9.229.343 17.100.954 14.741.372
Bulgaria 3.467 2.914 58.186.067
Italy 6.265.279 4.798.755 6.507.777 2.250.078 3.247.174 6.607.907
Others 17.880.429 17.530.487 14.246.052 37.689.957 31.944.901 19.001.804
Total 242,446,954 316,159,745 338,059,237 246,386,473 482,017,367 521,067,764

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Africa 3.349.382.898 2.494.088.047 3.586.138.909 3.684.722.721 3.557.733.476
China 149.874.013 167.804.653 297.384.841 444.096.742 422.953.215
United States 194.433.287 60.093.881 93.051.228 217.888.717 176.504.043
Bulgaria 99.566.304 147.343.318 153.630.947 103.920.541 55.305.903
Peru 88.547.143 145.464.092 504.847 142.373.533 135.291.977
Germany 47.312.723 42.643.573 58.226.816 58.330.468 70.441.623
Italy 28.167.808 7.923.151 12.757.970 133.634.382 15.960.215
Romania 16.107.043 27.168 157.949.844 48.035 450.929
Netherlands 26.473.545 21.769.654 25.761.197 33.676.856 38.880.734
Chile 65.887.048 259.945 963.021 51.619.279 24.517.957
Others 209.933.537 211.845.895 210.476.111 300.456.151 383.724.574
Total 4,275,685,347 3,299,263,376 4,596,845,731 5,170,767,423 4,881,764,646

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Africa 901.702.206 724.881.153 1.052.459.771 1.089.475.494 1.077.482.253
China 482.043.752 538.019.412 700.379.998 586.686.522 732.676.611
Belgium 337.717.048 379.562.561 563.076.475 587.530.112 331.058.577
Spain 307.925.668 260.481.373 235.516.998 253.910.128 288.877.534
Netherlands 143.255.275 209.149.821 205.838.453 230.004.229 284.583.421
United States 144.674.692 91.048.630 153.106.764 253.651.318 134.897.583
Germany 74.423.664 165.060.833 282.991.585 27.233.020 37.052.428
Italy 141.919.845 88.058.611 95.499.840 63.844.353 58.263.120
South Korea 60.683.000 34.494.000 15.937.000 11.929.000 117.571.000
France 22.643.167 27.252.565 31.374.737 54.394.125 70.606.241
Others 245.880.550 210.040.598 108.660.449 130.487.006 220.097.621
Total 2,862,868,868 2,728,049,558 3,444,842,069 3,289,145,307 3,353,166,387

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Namibia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Namibia - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
South Africa 342.963.036 262.109.964 234.844.212 305.078.385 306.375.109 289.823.259
China 30.695.401 28.965.183 28.744.526 21.655.972 35.838.143 21.766.646
Peru 15.765.059 36.271.155 13.722.601 42.534.850
United States 35.919.800 11.505.615 7.822.371 8.038.854 19.106.735 12.389.905
Malaysia 1.287.315 14.392.180 44.005.988 2.323.245 179.626 605.067
Germany 5.361.909 4.736.137 5.251.727 4.713.338 6.881.594 9.262.116
Spain 4.227.352 1.385.481 2.023.011 1.841.020 19.524.068 4.524.966
Norway 3.906.908 3.289.754 6.482.627 5.515.076 5.725.280 6.370.425
Chile 15.893.497 8.525.180 27.000 349.811
Netherlands 2.829.550 3.645.273 1.989.748 2.271.217 2.745.429 2.882.494
Others 13.905.758 19.643.071 22.589.364 10.750.536 23.522.485 19.368.104
Total 456,990,528 358,197,838 369,518,633 398,485,799 433,621,069 409,877,644

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
South Africa 98.390.007 105.712.299 96.103.017 99.596.351 96.997.631 96.132.518
China 44.544.480 86.383.047 112.356.694 23.914.812 84.170.849 83.160.395
Belgium 19.961.912 32.206.033 42.749.631 32.370.109 53.685.909 72.765.490
Uruguay 1.160.335 102 2.600.187 93.485.773 90.330.475
Netherlands 12.011.711 41.883.628 44.868.573 23.195.929 14.354.915 32.895.778
Spain 31.849.133 19.408.782 15.629.723 15.420.793 20.619.261 36.139.958
South Korea 52.000 23.000 74.000 116.000 66.410.000 11.106.000
United States 10.331.669 8.210.146 5.523.769 9.229.343 17.100.954 14.741.372
Bulgaria 3.467 2.914 58.186.067
Italy 6.265.279 4.798.755 6.507.777 2.250.078 3.247.174 6.607.907
Others 17.880.429 17.530.487 14.246.052 37.689.957 31.944.901 19.001.804
Total 242,446,954 316,159,745 338,059,237 246,386,473 482,017,367 521,067,764