Deploy a report

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Africa 401.063.912 379.725.958 491.915.399 495.021.860 509.924.725
China 194.299.823 152.658.128 228.883.734 239.601.866 199.788.412
Belgium 21.396.666 18.422.922 23.194.304 64.264.682 55.795.461
Japan 31.104.900 19.002.936 38.425.388 36.499.470 32.979.365
United States 22.808.686 13.173.623 23.321.463 36.472.783 18.190.495
Germany 25.421.836 23.684.837 18.907.777 21.692.060 19.514.922
Netherlands 23.766.882 27.609.306 14.671.712 20.569.373 17.788.649
South Korea 7.984.000 13.590.000 11.711.000 20.878.000 21.376.000
Italy 14.298.876 8.851.111 9.662.854 9.375.050 9.251.055
Thailand 8.303.488 5.561.023 13.949.425 4.543.270 6.254.679
Others 61.190.884 53.333.924 50.323.692 35.392.207 34.199.758
Total 811,639,952 715,613,768 924,966,749 984,310,621 925,063,521

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
84 - nuclear reactor... 97.433.297 82.944.403 104.924.704 107.840.265 94.719.748
85 - electrical mach... 94.399.975 64.780.545 102.599.066 80.088.519 87.439.422
87 - vehicles other... 86.491.545 62.701.927 86.031.509 74.878.063 94.440.975
39 - plastics and ar... 51.205.996 55.565.038 78.196.945 69.851.885 80.027.817
30 - pharmaceutical... 36.245.766 47.986.569 49.771.832 101.632.723 84.709.616
38 - miscellaneous c... 40.744.943 44.327.955 64.180.429 52.846.070 55.060.801
72 - iron and steel 42.734.831 42.536.664 58.293.037 47.169.687 53.393.275
73 - articles of iro... 33.911.222 19.692.894 27.480.713 37.898.939 31.046.408
48 - paper and paper... 29.828.895 22.714.361 27.183.592 32.174.641 29.819.636
90 - optical, photog... 26.368.917 23.441.306 20.985.425 33.303.400 23.383.690
Others 272.274.565 248.922.107 305.319.497 346.626.430 291.022.133
Total 811,639,952 715,613,768 924,966,749 984,310,621 925,063,521

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
Tariff Numbers
South Africa China Belgium Japan United States Germany Netherlands South Korea Italy Thailand Others Total
84 - nuclear reactor... 255.899.576 115.443.851 6.322.644 2.378.720 14.986.194 22.219.156 9.562.176 421.000 10.595.689 1.439.393 48.594.016 487.862.416
85 - electrical mach... 120.861.680 237.765.300 2.388.593 5.582.096 5.792.978 5.399.971 29.393.046 1.022.000 2.307.644 690.546 18.103.672 429.307.527
87 - vehicles other... 201.191.226 59.680.822 127.405 122.128.070 2.371.319 528.024 144.365 1.363.000 3.530.270 2.850.530 10.628.989 404.544.020
39 - plastics and ar... 281.702.254 27.266.448 428.086 122.019 4.354.942 1.305.877 2.005.069 6.473.000 168.539 534.181 10.487.266 334.847.681
30 - pharmaceutical... 17.193.667 26.533.254 144.233.396 10.407.003 15.834.365 5.909.665 28.599.970 53.900.000 142.016 203.452 17.389.718 320.346.506
38 - miscellaneous c... 116.703.952 20.791.309 14.066.637 11.998.511 6.649.068 45.145.071 17.209.526 2.810.000 56.058 13.705.251 8.024.816 257.160.198
72 - iron and steel 104.649.593 139.037.109 25.092 2.330 67.569 57.000 288.801 244.127.493
73 - articles of iro... 73.993.994 67.250.321 486.637 1.392.074 116.558 1.032.212 429.044 191.000 265.802 10.087 4.862.447 150.030.176
48 - paper and paper... 104.557.413 3.376.017 233.091 16.740 132.508 790.147 61.446 233.000 25.268.737 66.490 6.985.534 141.721.124
90 - optical, photog... 34.491.067 41.635.343 2.195.979 1.637.073 15.195.402 12.168.200 9.205.610 455.000 1.610.537 414.411 8.474.116 127.482.738
Others 966.407.432 276.452.189 12.566.475 2.347.422 48.533.716 14.655.540 7.795.672 8.614.000 7.493.652 18.697.544 100.601.090 1.464.164.731
Total 2,277,651,854 1,015,231,963 183,074,035 158,012,058 113,967,050 109,221,433 104,405,923 75,539,000 51,438,945 38,611,885 234,440,465 4,361,594,611

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
South Africa 40.798.232 41.472.322 36.865.089 31.245.501 42.630.133 44.930.125
China 17.165.020 13.732.949 13.982.353 12.071.410 9.301.402 11.357.729
Belgium 744.757 5.473.262 1.640.379 4.127.164 289.716 2.696.327
United States 2.008.429 1.115.400 2.625.658 2.255.588 2.238.114 2.389.329
Japan 2.457.491 1.828.711 3.217.531 1.247.856 1.848.629 1.828.719
Germany 1.139.196 1.834.108 575.612 598.908 1.970.847 4.363.244
Netherlands 1.179.098 2.972.768 1.163.333 702.358 2.731.065 680.109
South Korea 452.000 174.000 248.000 2.003.000 142.000 2.777.000
Italy 479.330 1.642.898 197.996 166.125 1.122.064 1.594.451
Thailand 331.001 128.913 318.923 637.754 1.501.285 901.791
Others 3.141.636 2.176.840 2.989.614 2.741.866 2.681.654 1.759.595
Total 69,896,191 72,552,170 63,824,487 57,797,529 66,456,910 75,278,420

Chart - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Belgium 137.113.002 102.813.690 137.959.134 144.997.652 188.759.032
United States 82.961.891 44.920.286 50.089.782 57.089.519 47.125.568
South Africa 54.017.249 44.223.704 59.128.079 48.249.910 43.158.366
Russia 60.046.182 64.092.483 74.549.727 3.168.530
Netherlands 39.407.399 33.370.356 25.437.866 26.002.680 24.585.192
Germany 11.322.396 18.700.938 26.572.594 21.782.137 21.186.651
South Korea 19.620.000 16.854.000 8.463.000 16.140.000 27.393.000
Japan 14.626.499 12.005.809 9.318.320 9.253.231 19.010.938
China 14.989.369 12.026.730 9.276.375 12.428.702 13.946.923
Taiwan 7.349.000 12.949.000 9.906.000 11.467.000 10.761.000
Others 69.880.457 56.880.796 39.881.607 46.610.436 53.775.131
Total 511,333,444 418,837,791 450,582,484 397,189,796 449,701,801

Chart - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
24 - tobacco and man... 347.950.298 279.294.825 304.446.549 251.395.640 329.643.042
09 - coffee, tea, ma... 69.608.868 42.561.665 46.031.645 33.901.001 29.444.224
08 - edible fruit an... 35.369.061 25.975.780 31.651.763 23.996.368 10.247.128
17 - sugars and suga... 24.061.525 29.750.086 21.873.631 16.292.451 10.643.835
12 - oil seeds and o... 7.286.356 7.121.561 7.396.753 8.474.239 16.292.415
90 - optical, photog... 2.251.538 1.329.204 2.056.398 14.721.806 15.754.623
74 - copper and arti... 4.104.435 4.452.996 6.824.429 7.909.221 8.426.989
23 - residues and wa... 3.225.453 3.204.142 5.200.513 3.593.203 3.881.533
40 - rubber and arti... 3.392.200 3.436.188 4.761.471 3.543.129 3.546.703
07 - edible vegetabl... 2.551.047 3.311.332 4.209.332 1.997.101 1.609.823
Others 11.532.663 18.400.011 16.129.999 31.365.636 20.211.487
Total 511,333,444 418,837,791 450,582,484 397,189,796 449,701,801

Chart - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
Tariff Numbers
Belgium United States South Africa Russia Netherlands Germany South Korea Japan China Taiwan Others Total
24 - tobacco and man... 699.178.990 107.639.180 4.820.174 198.959.781 116.330.145 62.209.696 85.121.000 24.107.833 39.493.048 13.834.000 161.036.508 1.512.730.355
09 - coffee, tea, ma... 9.126.201 74.207.280 52.199.069 2.005.312 6.512.609 22.525.423 301.000 8.855.534 12.317.370 2.051.000 31.446.605 221.547.403
08 - edible fruit an... 455 52.228.631 26.476.612 336.043 24.121.280 7.357.201 14.782.476 13.000 1.924.402 127.240.100
17 - sugars and suga... 2.745.933 36.473.171 14.149.695 519.403 51.018 3.991.323 2.176.000 18.237 20.000 42.476.747 102.621.528
12 - oil seeds and o... 41.360 27.815.201 7.540 577.493 16.387.695 48.000 1.694.035 46.571.325
90 - optical, photog... 203.896 32.254.000 32.311 146.462 1.000 6.490 1.157 2.595.000 873.253 36.113.569
74 - copper and arti... 101 15.081.030 1.277.974 199.000 243.841 13.123.000 1.793.125 31.718.071
23 - residues and wa... 19.104.601 242 19.104.843
40 - rubber and arti... 58 16.800 18.018.742 53 30.421 3.632 88 89.000 520.896 18.679.691
07 - edible vegetabl... 116.841 140.014 4.985.965 1.175.888 364.740 5.000 6.890.186 13.678.635
Others 432.572 11.278.074 33.872.218 36.330 572.458 1.083.981 672.000 52.899 10.612.595 20.654.000 18.372.668 97.639.796
Total 711,642,511 282,187,046 248,777,308 201,856,922 148,803,492 99,564,716 88,470,000 64,214,796 62,668,099 52,432,000 267,028,427 2,227,645,316

Chart - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
Belgium 12.670.962 14.661.960 23.143.511 18.863.707 33.293.630 27.262.174
South Korea 2.646.000 2.955.000 3.605.000 6.433.000 3.787.000 2.464.000
South Africa 2.086.093 3.928.139 3.309.807 2.772.658 3.299.171 3.742.681
United States 2.295.256 1.100.117 2.217.377 5.737.282 3.886.206 2.110.036
Germany 1.799.644 2.075.628 1.262.957 1.033.976 2.424.702 2.380.110
Netherlands 1.366.641 1.077.032 1.150.453 2.370.654 1.488.819 1.864.681
Japan 1.087.845 4.662.958 1.605.469 249.093 1.189.797 417.530
Taiwan 2.337.000 904.000 1.157.000 856.000 678.000 494.000
Portugal 87.932 357.835 1.006 850.732 2.435.551 682.279
China 658.596 217.689 541.168 1.120.481 280.062 898.991
Others 2.065.107 1.311.496 3.119.775 3.384.397 3.811.294 6.338.818
Total 29,101,076 33,251,854 41,113,523 43,671,980 56,574,232 48,655,301

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Africa 401.063.912 379.725.958 491.915.399 495.021.860 509.924.725
China 194.299.823 152.658.128 228.883.734 239.601.866 199.788.412
Belgium 21.396.666 18.422.922 23.194.304 64.264.682 55.795.461
Japan 31.104.900 19.002.936 38.425.388 36.499.470 32.979.365
United States 22.808.686 13.173.623 23.321.463 36.472.783 18.190.495
Germany 25.421.836 23.684.837 18.907.777 21.692.060 19.514.922
Netherlands 23.766.882 27.609.306 14.671.712 20.569.373 17.788.649
South Korea 7.984.000 13.590.000 11.711.000 20.878.000 21.376.000
Italy 14.298.876 8.851.111 9.662.854 9.375.050 9.251.055
Thailand 8.303.488 5.561.023 13.949.425 4.543.270 6.254.679
Others 61.190.884 53.333.924 50.323.692 35.392.207 34.199.758
Total 811,639,952 715,613,768 924,966,749 984,310,621 925,063,521

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Belgium 137.113.002 102.813.690 137.959.134 144.997.652 188.759.032
United States 82.961.891 44.920.286 50.089.782 57.089.519 47.125.568
South Africa 54.017.249 44.223.704 59.128.079 48.249.910 43.158.366
Russia 60.046.182 64.092.483 74.549.727 3.168.530
Netherlands 39.407.399 33.370.356 25.437.866 26.002.680 24.585.192
Germany 11.322.396 18.700.938 26.572.594 21.782.137 21.186.651
South Korea 19.620.000 16.854.000 8.463.000 16.140.000 27.393.000
Japan 14.626.499 12.005.809 9.318.320 9.253.231 19.010.938
China 14.989.369 12.026.730 9.276.375 12.428.702 13.946.923
Taiwan 7.349.000 12.949.000 9.906.000 11.467.000 10.761.000
Others 69.880.457 56.880.796 39.881.607 46.610.436 53.775.131
Total 511,333,444 418,837,791 450,582,484 397,189,796 449,701,801

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Malawi - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Malawi - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
South Africa 40.798.232 41.472.322 36.865.089 31.245.501 42.630.133 44.930.125
China 17.165.020 13.732.949 13.982.353 12.071.410 9.301.402 11.357.729
Belgium 744.757 5.473.262 1.640.379 4.127.164 289.716 2.696.327
United States 2.008.429 1.115.400 2.625.658 2.255.588 2.238.114 2.389.329
Japan 2.457.491 1.828.711 3.217.531 1.247.856 1.848.629 1.828.719
Germany 1.139.196 1.834.108 575.612 598.908 1.970.847 4.363.244
Netherlands 1.179.098 2.972.768 1.163.333 702.358 2.731.065 680.109
South Korea 452.000 174.000 248.000 2.003.000 142.000 2.777.000
Italy 479.330 1.642.898 197.996 166.125 1.122.064 1.594.451
Thailand 331.001 128.913 318.923 637.754 1.501.285 901.791
Others 3.141.636 2.176.840 2.989.614 2.741.866 2.681.654 1.759.595
Total 69,896,191 72,552,170 63,824,487 57,797,529 66,456,910 75,278,420

Import Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
Belgium 12.670.962 14.661.960 23.143.511 18.863.707 33.293.630 27.262.174
South Korea 2.646.000 2.955.000 3.605.000 6.433.000 3.787.000 2.464.000
South Africa 2.086.093 3.928.139 3.309.807 2.772.658 3.299.171 3.742.681
United States 2.295.256 1.100.117 2.217.377 5.737.282 3.886.206 2.110.036
Germany 1.799.644 2.075.628 1.262.957 1.033.976 2.424.702 2.380.110
Netherlands 1.366.641 1.077.032 1.150.453 2.370.654 1.488.819 1.864.681
Japan 1.087.845 4.662.958 1.605.469 249.093 1.189.797 417.530
Taiwan 2.337.000 904.000 1.157.000 856.000 678.000 494.000
Portugal 87.932 357.835 1.006 850.732 2.435.551 682.279
China 658.596 217.689 541.168 1.120.481 280.062 898.991
Others 2.065.107 1.311.496 3.119.775 3.384.397 3.811.294 6.338.818
Total 29,101,076 33,251,854 41,113,523 43,671,980 56,574,232 48,655,301