Deploy a report

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 977.903.748 1.477.049.006 3.116.746.482 3.456.912.251
Portugal 1.075.447.104 896.466.683 1.420.090.594 1.439.756.419
United States 534.724.998 469.987.653 445.469.040 652.849.625 595.278.456
Brazil 441.521.579 350.340.078 407.978.405 640.258.259 409.722.189
South Africa 424.985.495 344.912.446 342.491.606 460.415.874 402.172.293
Italy 164.581.221 191.492.074 280.193.802 250.339.451 403.121.178
France 215.287.387 192.414.921 268.860.753 248.524.059 301.568.670
Belgium 297.580.372 165.559.061 311.485.157 182.866.143 238.359.328
South Korea 239.152.000 84.409.000 101.839.000 118.632.000 474.815.000
Malaysia 229.036.287 158.980.517 201.332.434 286.608.102 130.735.468
Others 1.190.615.099 1.217.941.002 1.092.876.438 1.367.859.484 1.144.879.244
Total 5,985,992,774 5,050,407,183 6,006,668,825 8,745,190,073 8,997,320,495

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
84 - nuclear reactor... 908.517.588 1.496.832.308 1.630.250.214
85 - electrical mach... 379.762.173 353.491.769 491.514.743 688.702.231 834.652.740
87 - vehicles other... 277.353.847 227.047.965 353.722.751 650.092.413 708.468.298
73 - articles of iro... 247.434.279 249.573.310 297.654.005 411.788.049 498.852.019
02 - meat and edible... 329.976.018 205.541.199 294.787.634 528.304.994 307.205.333
27 - mineral fuels... 337.938.017 147.247.019 85.586.393 337.069.040 513.356.479
10 - cereals 288.869.447 333.043.292 293.705.070 260.108.918 222.897.821
39 - plastics and ar... 207.303.321 171.091.222 226.188.823 325.205.462 352.346.296
15 - animal or veget... 193.799.281 164.516.943 196.466.208 332.077.306 113.789.599
94 - furniture; bedd... 113.537.703 92.094.227 109.753.637 243.104.561 371.099.242
Others 2.516.741.788 2.556.105.850 3.471.904.790 3.444.402.453
Total 5,985,992,774 5,050,407,183 6,006,668,825 8,745,190,073 8,997,320,495

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
Tariff Numbers
China Portugal United States Brazil South Africa Italy France Belgium South Korea Malaysia Others Total
84 - nuclear reactor... 861.383.049 147.218.352 434.517.862 606.725.647 229.290.747 145.326.953 90.575.000 130.859.030 1.347.861.655
85 - electrical mach... 1.072.374.651 695.091.249 164.598.977 33.526.034 119.455.057 139.333.242 67.287.349 22.323.103 104.792.000 2.473.292 326.868.702 2.748.123.656
87 - vehicles other... 1.234.805.563 157.765.037 33.246.350 236.395.464 89.649.688 11.752.614 13.949.732 66.290.962 129.332.000 339.689 243.158.176 2.216.685.275
73 - articles of iro... 488.338.109 302.717.531 111.385.227 61.913.684 67.293.134 166.427.218 86.784.394 54.474.242 10.120.000 11.739.235 344.108.889 1.705.301.663
02 - meat and edible... 1.266.370 66.470.317 718.350.067 604.725.861 12.732.265 53.493.481 2.149.293 11.043.956 195.583.569 1.665.815.178
27 - mineral fuels... 7.718.068 72.983.135 23.935.309 17.257.779 81.485.686 4.450.294 51.753.572 279.817.193 493.495.000 663.028 387.637.883 1.421.196.947
10 - cereals 4.523.782 3.954.043 4.495.994 69.283.703 25.610.356 326.551.636 1.545 1.806 964.201.683 1.398.624.548
39 - plastics and ar... 508.086.148 250.598.680 79.727.501 8.976.981 83.308.865 22.440.133 13.944.515 30.737.304 109.340.000 36.343.972 138.631.025
15 - animal or veget... 19.813 259.958.925 284.018 46.257.664 2.818.389 1.161.523 976.372 6.678.509 2.000 635.523.182 46.968.943 1.000.649.337
94 - furniture; bedd... 564.084.728 214.397.479 13.043.894 23.447.673 19.355.704 19.284.987 7.591.146 5.054.875 1.263.000 4.583.372 57.482.512 929.589.370
Others 5.119.336.073 2.849.734.574 687.859.386 1.000.817.315 1.038.750.707 264.658.587 426.377.036 574.101.421 79.928.000 184.166.201 1.961.668.230 14.187.397.529
Total 10,201,672,718 5,908,853,985 2,698,309,772 2,249,820,510 1,974,977,714 1,289,727,725 1,226,655,791 1,195,850,062 1,018,847,000 1,006,692,807 6,014,171,267 34,785,579,350

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Angola - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
China 229.250.885 314.511.715 227.331.865 219.557.843 134.647.000 185.127.985
Portugal 106.347.197 102.276.129 85.614.424 75.894.167 77.260.464 78.710.903
South Korea 153.029.000 162.250.000 10.372.000 156.112.000 5.869.000 12.502.000
United States 40.989.326 42.594.471 44.075.453 36.578.776 63.572.991 59.510.965
Brazil 24.830.625 33.176.039 39.054.753 52.755.887 23.210.547 36.945.702
Italy 21.144.802 18.361.271 37.551.203 41.605.388 37.823.848 47.852.451
South Africa 30.200.743 31.962.729 29.682.371 25.455.466 28.317.233 33.139.966
France 31.204.861 26.846.748 15.425.961 21.100.539 26.966.827 17.327.719
Malaysia 34.446.772 4.386.066 10.605.518 38.264.496 13.742.702 31.054.210
Netherlands 24.079.443 24.714.479 16.759.157 13.689.797 14.664.783 14.129.681
Others 115.058.901 99.633.244 131.994.002 92.310.831 90.698.361 79.935.135
Total 810,582,556 860,712,891 648,466,707 773,325,191 516,773,756 596,236,716

Chart - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 18.833.426.241 10.822.546.632 17.897.715.324
Spain 604.656.383 674.511.781 1.996.857.185 2.614.614.675
Thailand 731.585.694 1.437.107.775 1.659.295.349 922.097.029
France 395.381.590 426.995.524 225.373.660 3.686.877.322 1.797.220.843
Netherlands 4.468.273 706.294 19.636.668 1.775.741.165 3.758.666.020
United States 984.169.471 497.345.885 1.069.637.234 1.626.285.373
Italy 407.469.072 247.430.076 134.368.105 1.502.460.457 907.856.797
Belgium 272.103.341 301.013.810 614.019.420 730.563.501 655.646.093
Portugal 954.133.943 377.197.722 92.205.405 649.789.673 290.339.486
Taiwan 195.827.000 429.031.000 320.740.000 972.511.000 169.161.000
Others 1.352.353.912 665.860.027 1.695.281.007
Total 25,284,926,044 15,809,891,127 23,276,911,355 34,614,122,415 29,765,006,930

Chart - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
27 - mineral fuels... 24.739.729.981 15.329.080.497 22.420.819.743 33.478.328.504 28.743.082.688
71 - natural or cult... 335.264.489 330.601.148 648.524.237 836.690.442 774.406.003
25 - salt; sulfur; e... 29.219.179 41.962.221 49.621.208 107.167.551 73.576.456
03 - fish and crusta... 23.943.693 27.685.885 30.851.306 27.156.700 31.352.293
76 - aluminum and ar... 16.692.509 7.280.387 17.675.460 28.293.654 32.246.267
74 - copper and arti... 18.578.963 15.522.351 16.300.634 23.402.363 24.780.401
84 - nuclear reactor... 23.525.401 8.791.249 9.989.784 16.721.215 12.437.418
44 - wood and articl... 19.119.607 8.412.865 12.185.934 11.237.045 17.570.400
26 - ores, slag and... 2.174.121 5.983.728 23.604.964 20.824.058 59.107
23 - residues and wa... 6.287.351 2.633.149 9.311.939 16.931.679 10.079.220
Others 70.390.748 31.937.647 38.026.146 47.369.204 45.416.677
Total 25,284,926,044 15,809,891,127 23,276,911,355 34,614,122,415 29,765,006,930

Chart - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
Tariff Numbers
China Spain Thailand France Netherlands United States Italy Belgium Portugal Taiwan Others Total
27 - mineral fuels... 80.454.003.355 6.915.911.175 6.790.258.468 6.517.284.169 5.551.891.652 4.959.120.129 3.161.323.987 106.073.950 2.231.711.095 2.067.632.000 5.955.831.435 124.711.041.414
71 - natural or cult... 426.299 4.862.091 234.969 918 374.464.819 2.455.019.255 3.181.110 87.296.859 2.925.486.319
25 - salt; sulfur; e... 207.551.240 33.035.646 76.720 1.535.876 1.312 26.918.251 1.076.492 10.267.286 16.920.000 4.163.792 301.546.615
03 - fish and crusta... 85.699.865 899.465 105 57 245.027 36 36.065.147 18.080.174 140.989.876
76 - aluminum and ar... 52.678.814 283.814 8.815.596 11.066 19.400 240.048 2.975 354.322 364.000 39.418.243 102.188.277
74 - copper and arti... 76.309.277 1.119.072 3.414.170 26 851.563 198.698 528.879 1.332 16.161.696 98.584.712
84 - nuclear reactor... 16.112 147.378 211.203 2.407.910 2.101.636 1.546.458 3.700.909 3.379.481 8.632.966 1.268.000 48.053.012 71.465.066
44 - wood and articl... 40.525.915 3.022.871 237.069 3.130.321 2.221 390.245 1.073.223 2.080.860 12.355.023 5.708.103 68.525.851
26 - ores, slag and... 52.635.469 15 12 1.685 29 963 7.805 52.645.979
23 - residues and wa... 999.401 1.891.032 11.920 2.230 11.219.958 391.000 30.727.798 45.243.339
Others 2.751.226 4.428.308 21.351.475 5.353.452 4.337.727 46.862.357 6.127.706 5.181.978 49.877.027 695.000 86.174.167 233.140.422
Total 80,886,897,707 7,044,647,530 6,830,126,255 6,531,848,939 5,559,218,419 5,382,629,035 3,199,584,507 2,573,346,165 2,363,666,229 2,087,270,000 6,291,623,084 128,750,857,871

Chart - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Angola - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
China 2.231.646.738 1.332.958.383 1.561.241.971 1.336.789.971
Spain 377.479.395 276.456.161 295.118.312 225.860.019 165.015.882 138.030.539
Netherlands 201.037.123 321.338.866 116.786.054 227.498.032 75.770.207 39.031.353
France 123.304.230 168.841.174 172.541.791 225.170.189 67.836 81.978.518
United States 125.215.850 52.346.747 91.015.529 43.614.753 60.614.176 136.974.898
Belgium 72.549.609 79.276.362 50.271.839 49.519.906 30.903.932 80.796.999
South Africa 380.810 94.515.811 84.556.203 739.726 87.463.647 94.632.606
Italy 97.642.684 2.034.634 18.126.054 81.746.538 26.731.159 84.288.959
Brazil 78.049 17.049.566 40.595 78.588.067 86.144.565 22
Portugal 2.214.765 5.129.959 85.400.135 4.566.114 71.998.503 1.792.838
Others 38.961.190 38.510.079 71.321.312 104.339.794 44.758.321 13.978.614
Total 3,270,510,444 2,388,457,741 2,546,419,795 2,137,841,698 1,923,603,341 2,008,295,316

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Angola - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 977.903.748 1.477.049.006 3.116.746.482 3.456.912.251
Portugal 1.075.447.104 896.466.683 1.420.090.594 1.439.756.419
United States 534.724.998 469.987.653 445.469.040 652.849.625 595.278.456
Brazil 441.521.579 350.340.078 407.978.405 640.258.259 409.722.189
South Africa 424.985.495 344.912.446 342.491.606 460.415.874 402.172.293
Italy 164.581.221 191.492.074 280.193.802 250.339.451 403.121.178
France 215.287.387 192.414.921 268.860.753 248.524.059 301.568.670
Belgium 297.580.372 165.559.061 311.485.157 182.866.143 238.359.328
South Korea 239.152.000 84.409.000 101.839.000 118.632.000 474.815.000
Malaysia 229.036.287 158.980.517 201.332.434 286.608.102 130.735.468
Others 1.190.615.099 1.217.941.002 1.092.876.438 1.367.859.484 1.144.879.244
Total 5,985,992,774 5,050,407,183 6,006,668,825 8,745,190,073 8,997,320,495

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 18.833.426.241 10.822.546.632 17.897.715.324
Spain 604.656.383 674.511.781 1.996.857.185 2.614.614.675
Thailand 731.585.694 1.437.107.775 1.659.295.349 922.097.029
France 395.381.590 426.995.524 225.373.660 3.686.877.322 1.797.220.843
Netherlands 4.468.273 706.294 19.636.668 1.775.741.165 3.758.666.020
United States 984.169.471 497.345.885 1.069.637.234 1.626.285.373
Italy 407.469.072 247.430.076 134.368.105 1.502.460.457 907.856.797
Belgium 272.103.341 301.013.810 614.019.420 730.563.501 655.646.093
Portugal 954.133.943 377.197.722 92.205.405 649.789.673 290.339.486
Taiwan 195.827.000 429.031.000 320.740.000 972.511.000 169.161.000
Others 1.352.353.912 665.860.027 1.695.281.007
Total 25,284,926,044 15,809,891,127 23,276,911,355 34,614,122,415 29,765,006,930

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Angola - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Angola - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
China 229.250.885 314.511.715 227.331.865 219.557.843 134.647.000 185.127.985
Portugal 106.347.197 102.276.129 85.614.424 75.894.167 77.260.464 78.710.903
South Korea 153.029.000 162.250.000 10.372.000 156.112.000 5.869.000 12.502.000
United States 40.989.326 42.594.471 44.075.453 36.578.776 63.572.991 59.510.965
Brazil 24.830.625 33.176.039 39.054.753 52.755.887 23.210.547 36.945.702
Italy 21.144.802 18.361.271 37.551.203 41.605.388 37.823.848 47.852.451
South Africa 30.200.743 31.962.729 29.682.371 25.455.466 28.317.233 33.139.966
France 31.204.861 26.846.748 15.425.961 21.100.539 26.966.827 17.327.719
Malaysia 34.446.772 4.386.066 10.605.518 38.264.496 13.742.702 31.054.210
Netherlands 24.079.443 24.714.479 16.759.157 13.689.797 14.664.783 14.129.681
Others 115.058.901 99.633.244 131.994.002 92.310.831 90.698.361 79.935.135
Total 810,582,556 860,712,891 648,466,707 773,325,191 516,773,756 596,236,716

Import Countries
10 - 2023 11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024
China 2.231.646.738 1.332.958.383 1.561.241.971 1.336.789.971
Spain 377.479.395 276.456.161 295.118.312 225.860.019 165.015.882 138.030.539
Netherlands 201.037.123 321.338.866 116.786.054 227.498.032 75.770.207 39.031.353
France 123.304.230 168.841.174 172.541.791 225.170.189 67.836 81.978.518
United States 125.215.850 52.346.747 91.015.529 43.614.753 60.614.176 136.974.898
Belgium 72.549.609 79.276.362 50.271.839 49.519.906 30.903.932 80.796.999
South Africa 380.810 94.515.811 84.556.203 739.726 87.463.647 94.632.606
Italy 97.642.684 2.034.634 18.126.054 81.746.538 26.731.159 84.288.959
Brazil 78.049 17.049.566 40.595 78.588.067 86.144.565 22
Portugal 2.214.765 5.129.959 85.400.135 4.566.114 71.998.503 1.792.838
Others 38.961.190 38.510.079 71.321.312 104.339.794 44.758.321 13.978.614
Total 3,270,510,444 2,388,457,741 2,546,419,795 2,137,841,698 1,923,603,341 2,008,295,316