Deploy a report

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 55.982.878.803 50.407.179.464 89.178.461.825 84.885.977.559
United States 34.287.674.750 27.080.305.126 47.159.971.229 40.374.862.706
South Korea 11.985.073.000 15.612.498.000 18.853.024.000 17.899.721.000
Japan 12.798.567.179 12.947.900.602 13.997.462.243 16.078.698.390
Germany 9.792.306.182 10.522.046.898 13.524.346.918 14.203.312.554 17.683.516.366
Thailand 8.739.792.621 8.771.915.575 10.887.499.432 10.605.363.910
Malaysia 8.337.299.503 11.997.156.719 13.712.759.998 10.802.805.176
Belgium 5.602.945.687 4.348.889.831 6.688.914.792 6.754.172.595 5.261.821.156
France 4.360.955.976 4.064.887.089 6.567.361.955 5.848.026.654 7.591.344.896
South Africa 4.092.953.812 4.363.616.214 5.540.643.559 5.334.166.393
Others 38.536.173.836 28.474.584.339 41.905.573.511 39.682.486.955 38.119.409.189
Total 189,271,493,846 164,776,940,431 235,642,672,190 265,817,821,045 254,637,686,741

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
85 - electrical mach... 26.911.150.121 34.097.588.576 42.861.919.358
84 - nuclear reactor... 28.174.677.339 23.153.645.648 29.960.386.030 32.627.571.603 37.436.255.964
27 - mineral fuels... 17.117.351.631 14.708.935.498 18.489.142.978
71 - natural or cult... 11.533.862.200 20.443.963.673 19.991.155.658 14.013.456.031
29 - organic chemica... 13.683.205.607 13.594.399.741 18.583.597.330 19.843.520.613 17.143.619.619
39 - plastics and ar... 8.772.258.673 7.960.525.163 12.374.072.527 14.108.420.974
72 - iron and steel 7.683.195.582 5.305.079.887 8.486.093.554 11.693.138.258 11.170.666.169
90 - optical, photog... 6.173.666.811 8.165.410.719 8.517.328.629 9.428.219.445
88 - aircraft, space... 6.592.960.957 5.832.346.550 7.466.984.043 9.344.446.716
87 - vehicles other... 3.670.366.977 5.145.771.050 5.541.142.704 6.150.633.513
Others 51.734.519.643 66.313.412.319 78.825.140.652 74.333.027.944
Total 189,271,493,846 164,776,940,431 235,642,672,190 265,817,821,045 254,637,686,741

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
Tariff Numbers
China United States South Korea Japan Germany Thailand Malaysia Belgium France South Africa Others Total
85 - electrical mach... 96.833.255.884 8.543.622.648 15.996.065.000 7.649.917.147 7.431.690.804 4.434.448.710 5.896.352.158 405.120.912 3.719.414.223 119.326.008 18.143.768.493 169.172.981.987
84 - nuclear reactor... 53.444.470.916 12.029.455.807 9.442.915.000 14.018.868.665 17.891.062.026 7.386.176.747 3.428.025.832 1.729.676.626 4.596.537.262 399.845.266 26.985.502.436 151.352.536.583
27 - mineral fuels... 3.249.592.714 56.810.190.176 4.926.448.000 169.854.191 576.395.232 155.376.075 220.032.672 13.756.877.673 17.577.722.120 103.708.717.231
71 - natural or cult... 462.614.787 30.970.355.612 174.026.000 109.586.055 401.039.598 3.687.555.093 124.128.499 19.503.419.200 106.187.431 605.403.883 26.869.194.025 83.013.510.183
29 - organic chemica... 48.199.984.391 8.801.830.961 5.133.899.000 2.749.181.766 2.197.469.968 3.328.431.073 2.608.702.203 615.107.341 777.976.709 345.393.106 8.090.366.390 82.848.342.910
39 - plastics and ar... 16.615.413.337 5.755.020.051 9.128.461.000 5.338.620.637 2.738.915.370 5.783.014.492 1.974.406.577 873.612.740 930.352.321 35.692.481 8.308.067.332 57.481.576.338
72 - iron and steel 11.109.841.792 3.576.965.179 11.521.881.000 5.578.550.717 1.729.949.927 1.026.844.278 763.077.053 569.187.334 699.498.420 6.752.370.468 44.338.173.451
90 - optical, photog... 8.478.387.547 7.794.974.408 2.470.473.000 3.337.000.968 5.583.107.495 658.558.866 913.394.929 790.030.254 1.657.543.354 39.042.480 7.847.126.018 39.569.639.318
88 - aircraft, space... 24.712.610 11.029.626.218 68.648.000 12.381.977 11.058.573.882 63.235.949 188.657.363 16.032.346 10.522.478.708 2.099.954 1.478.472.652 34.464.919.658
87 - vehicles other... 7.215.499.534 1.919.479.235 4.526.558.000 2.389.334.944 114.491.904 90.682.258 216.283.452 15.523.621 2.824.843.760 24.794.002.203
Others 108.031.938.749 41.723.466.809 22.666.312.315 14.134.530.712 23.553.797.254 3.714.609.260 5.116.583.105 6.537.917.557 61.840.794.136 319.402.214.390
Total 353,665,712,261 188,954,987,104 79,427,561,000 65,954,771,851 65,725,528,918 45,203,862,810 44,850,021,396 28,656,744,063 28,432,576,570 22,556,620,449 186,718,227,830 1,110,146,614,253

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - India - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
China 7.496.078.521 7.647.703.670 8.460.794.363 5.958.902.774 6.068.607.340 6.588.757.238
United States 3.087.792.050 2.852.750.289 3.033.813.967 3.961.352.191 3.412.707.794
South Korea 1.524.618.000 1.586.792.000 1.533.780.000 1.473.350.000 1.511.017.000 1.569.660.000
Japan 1.134.790.392 1.511.032.464 1.285.957.963 1.480.580.799 1.642.412.552 1.392.211.294
Germany 1.334.658.252 1.242.372.018 1.213.493.066 1.267.949.295
Malaysia 794.003.585 831.871.861 956.453.648 981.381.403 1.160.942.725 801.158.812
Thailand 762.394.690 807.558.303 764.412.001 877.179.540 1.038.407.951 870.273.696
France 691.282.714 1.120.932.412 602.454.204 922.334.752 905.260.739 699.864.984
Taiwan 468.481.000 505.217.000 594.815.000 520.533.000 620.615.000 597.526.000
Brazil 344.142.205 493.238.346 441.355.160 457.370.606 536.269.138 391.369.548
Others 2.972.139.872 2.731.684.665 3.007.668.008 2.752.786.251 3.092.568.307
Total 20,610,381,282 21,964,046,593 21,304,605,210 19,891,257,978 21,411,163,953 20,684,046,968

Chart - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 59.618.546.040 76.568.623.997 90.451.683.924 86.753.270.258
China 13.763.587.496 16.911.640.314 20.394.850.093 12.457.090.398 13.597.749.144
Germany 6.895.611.947 9.367.417.803 10.931.855.827 11.667.712.514
Italy 4.396.265.062 4.234.393.618 7.342.253.021 9.860.859.667 9.577.433.742
South Korea 5.559.945.000 4.901.389.000 8.047.897.000 8.915.343.000 6.747.627.000
Netherlands 3.828.331.661 3.739.152.636 5.730.431.680 8.596.098.816 10.571.763.208
Thailand 5.853.691.026 4.883.001.718 6.745.396.746 7.510.682.753
Japan 6.392.948.014 5.339.070.092 6.359.568.566 6.760.161.486 5.894.940.554
Brazil 4.257.456.258 3.943.215.111 6.728.421.314 8.864.536.397 6.881.136.157
South Africa 4.199.474.316 3.503.575.898 5.589.133.577 8.819.302.990 7.863.220.080
Others 55.587.798.509 46.701.983.160 51.849.192.590 49.898.855.930
Total 169,589,096,910 148,844,325,153 199,575,976,957 225,016,807,846 215,742,708,774

Chart - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
71 - natural or cult... 18.142.848.612 13.981.310.754 24.150.943.159 25.609.609.817 19.685.950.049
27 - mineral fuels... 14.979.886.904 8.775.603.870 14.174.393.014 21.512.947.565 21.457.389.191
29 - organic chemica... 13.723.020.974 13.992.313.523 17.364.112.999 15.473.674.185
30 - pharmaceutical... 12.118.670.086 12.731.232.447 13.638.782.545 13.864.869.659 16.153.948.251
84 - nuclear reactor... 11.681.110.412 9.538.271.073 13.141.424.729 15.507.111.962 16.198.442.022
85 - electrical mach... 7.388.807.102 8.084.338.884 10.193.437.983 15.796.631.073 24.155.398.436
87 - vehicles other... 9.155.750.862 5.529.762.899 7.892.373.409 9.425.604.675 8.872.730.125
72 - iron and steel 4.726.809.003 5.837.839.781 9.448.730.167 6.351.757.141
03 - fish and crusta... 5.288.733.168 4.380.126.474 5.549.842.322 5.947.719.588 5.126.758.904
76 - aluminum and ar... 3.042.331.697 4.380.738.117 6.763.344.975 5.620.622.473
Others 69.341.128.089 61.612.787.331 79.316.797.582 84.947.675.542 76.646.037.997
Total 169,589,096,910 148,844,325,153 199,575,976,957 225,016,807,846 215,742,708,774

Chart - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
Tariff Numbers
United States China Germany Italy South Korea Netherlands Thailand Japan Brazil South Africa Others Total
71 - natural or cult... 63.990.561.027 4.349.710.558 812.437.949 972.315.829 604.646.000 106.115.861 7.353.659.630 2.426.959.424 66.279.645 216.588.068 20.671.388.402 101.570.662.392
27 - mineral fuels... 18.022.983.768 1.677.637.460 960.426.375 2.938.967.975 8.513.897.000 3.541.389.937 338.511.226 2.715.892.176 5.813.825.170 9.258.572.010 80.900.220.545
29 - organic chemica... 18.181.691.671 7.958.748.912 5.979.890.608 2.902.062.795 3.389.889.000 2.618.680.530 1.651.248.385 4.996.477.144 7.141.379.568 768.094.726 20.966.192.987 76.554.356.325
30 - pharmaceutical... 45.338.238.039 340.647.115 1.653.766.712 394.454.086 369.276.000 1.815.109.412 1.055.643.004 547.600.901 3.019.670.884 11.849.921.781 68.507.502.988
84 - nuclear reactor... 24.858.705.546 5.387.660.765 3.022.493.843 1.325.691.000 1.561.255.554 5.059.895.240 1.970.123.547 2.384.320.001 1.816.780.901 15.566.326.753 66.066.360.198
85 - electrical mach... 26.827.049.723 1.587.976.744 4.608.922.716 2.751.107.308 904.217.000 5.369.869.649 1.227.748.733 1.769.899.131 722.523.538 1.838.162.327 65.618.613.479
87 - vehicles other... 13.859.103.159 465.212.241 1.698.953.663 691.148.000 422.233.903 1.579.731.818 1.454.538.007 1.254.799.425 40.876.221.969
72 - iron and steel 2.699.828.606 818.154.197 6.784.635.817 1.973.181.000 1.081.803.994 1.384.218.200 1.312.220.534 698.446.685 242.402.520 12.491.309.002 34.642.316.082
03 - fish and crusta... 11.696.099.203 5.449.338.671 170.823.250 733.468.771 197.802.000 486.280.477 1.487.566.623 2.302.135.203 383.030 32.943.182 3.736.340.048
76 - aluminum and ar... 3.828.730.835 2.200.802.646 411.660.669 1.333.550.784 5.923.237.000 957.507.191 1.471.429.673 894.334.965 152.628.237 7.535.106.754 25.875.054.664
Others 137.369.301.488 44.825.620.522 22.490.954.715 12.426.958.040 14.296.972.773 9.779.412.972 9.575.298.157 6.337.850.430 95.296.798.065 371.864.426.541
Total 366,672,293,065 77,124,917,445 44,993,651,618 35,411,205,109 34,172,201,000 32,465,778,000 31,281,772,430 30,746,688,712 30,674,765,237 29,974,706,860 245,250,936,163 958,768,915,641

Chart - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - India - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
United States 6.880.509.566 6.717.885.661 7.112.805.078 7.033.819.919 7.861.832.792 8.258.876.651
China 1.206.406.529 1.539.337.717 1.403.227.142 1.492.273.434 1.217.798.802
Netherlands 989.516.158 605.563.013 790.409.145 674.927.222 938.677.398 1.090.361.991
Germany 891.209.598 647.150.099 754.726.017 724.647.338 895.975.967 950.993.866
Italy 631.763.936 485.048.860 808.852.587 570.871.957 776.131.111
Malaysia 509.431.433 583.201.234 816.523.438 714.287.514 891.550.184 491.634.251
France 714.262.573 410.971.090 664.645.723 522.723.618 655.988.853 724.338.716
South Africa 657.022.838 787.586.881 664.749.673 482.467.725 454.447.902 634.454.553
South Korea 604.272.000 539.989.000 544.392.000 557.198.000 495.401.000 520.095.000
Belgium 467.334.699 335.356.115 591.243.906 428.852.636 642.245.124 728.293.455
Others 3.437.712.698 3.051.387.586 3.441.538.307 3.339.748.695 3.575.380.042 4.217.485.912
Total 16,991,177,087 15,370,546,067 17,729,223,591 16,452,771,765 18,679,903,807 19,892,392,912

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - India - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 55.982.878.803 50.407.179.464 89.178.461.825 84.885.977.559
United States 34.287.674.750 27.080.305.126 47.159.971.229 40.374.862.706
South Korea 11.985.073.000 15.612.498.000 18.853.024.000 17.899.721.000
Japan 12.798.567.179 12.947.900.602 13.997.462.243 16.078.698.390
Germany 9.792.306.182 10.522.046.898 13.524.346.918 14.203.312.554 17.683.516.366
Thailand 8.739.792.621 8.771.915.575 10.887.499.432 10.605.363.910
Malaysia 8.337.299.503 11.997.156.719 13.712.759.998 10.802.805.176
Belgium 5.602.945.687 4.348.889.831 6.688.914.792 6.754.172.595 5.261.821.156
France 4.360.955.976 4.064.887.089 6.567.361.955 5.848.026.654 7.591.344.896
South Africa 4.092.953.812 4.363.616.214 5.540.643.559 5.334.166.393
Others 38.536.173.836 28.474.584.339 41.905.573.511 39.682.486.955 38.119.409.189
Total 189,271,493,846 164,776,940,431 235,642,672,190 265,817,821,045 254,637,686,741

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 59.618.546.040 76.568.623.997 90.451.683.924 86.753.270.258
China 13.763.587.496 16.911.640.314 20.394.850.093 12.457.090.398 13.597.749.144
Germany 6.895.611.947 9.367.417.803 10.931.855.827 11.667.712.514
Italy 4.396.265.062 4.234.393.618 7.342.253.021 9.860.859.667 9.577.433.742
South Korea 5.559.945.000 4.901.389.000 8.047.897.000 8.915.343.000 6.747.627.000
Netherlands 3.828.331.661 3.739.152.636 5.730.431.680 8.596.098.816 10.571.763.208
Thailand 5.853.691.026 4.883.001.718 6.745.396.746 7.510.682.753
Japan 6.392.948.014 5.339.070.092 6.359.568.566 6.760.161.486 5.894.940.554
Brazil 4.257.456.258 3.943.215.111 6.728.421.314 8.864.536.397 6.881.136.157
South Africa 4.199.474.316 3.503.575.898 5.589.133.577 8.819.302.990 7.863.220.080
Others 55.587.798.509 46.701.983.160 51.849.192.590 49.898.855.930
Total 169,589,096,910 148,844,325,153 199,575,976,957 225,016,807,846 215,742,708,774

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - India - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - India - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
China 7.496.078.521 7.647.703.670 8.460.794.363 5.958.902.774 6.068.607.340 6.588.757.238
United States 3.087.792.050 2.852.750.289 3.033.813.967 3.961.352.191 3.412.707.794
South Korea 1.524.618.000 1.586.792.000 1.533.780.000 1.473.350.000 1.511.017.000 1.569.660.000
Japan 1.134.790.392 1.511.032.464 1.285.957.963 1.480.580.799 1.642.412.552 1.392.211.294
Germany 1.334.658.252 1.242.372.018 1.213.493.066 1.267.949.295
Malaysia 794.003.585 831.871.861 956.453.648 981.381.403 1.160.942.725 801.158.812
Thailand 762.394.690 807.558.303 764.412.001 877.179.540 1.038.407.951 870.273.696
France 691.282.714 1.120.932.412 602.454.204 922.334.752 905.260.739 699.864.984
Taiwan 468.481.000 505.217.000 594.815.000 520.533.000 620.615.000 597.526.000
Brazil 344.142.205 493.238.346 441.355.160 457.370.606 536.269.138 391.369.548
Others 2.972.139.872 2.731.684.665 3.007.668.008 2.752.786.251 3.092.568.307
Total 20,610,381,282 21,964,046,593 21,304,605,210 19,891,257,978 21,411,163,953 20,684,046,968

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
United States 6.880.509.566 6.717.885.661 7.112.805.078 7.033.819.919 7.861.832.792 8.258.876.651
China 1.206.406.529 1.539.337.717 1.403.227.142 1.492.273.434 1.217.798.802
Netherlands 989.516.158 605.563.013 790.409.145 674.927.222 938.677.398 1.090.361.991
Germany 891.209.598 647.150.099 754.726.017 724.647.338 895.975.967 950.993.866
Italy 631.763.936 485.048.860 808.852.587 570.871.957 776.131.111
Malaysia 509.431.433 583.201.234 816.523.438 714.287.514 891.550.184 491.634.251
France 714.262.573 410.971.090 664.645.723 522.723.618 655.988.853 724.338.716
South Africa 657.022.838 787.586.881 664.749.673 482.467.725 454.447.902 634.454.553
South Korea 604.272.000 539.989.000 544.392.000 557.198.000 495.401.000 520.095.000
Belgium 467.334.699 335.356.115 591.243.906 428.852.636 642.245.124 728.293.455
Others 3.437.712.698 3.051.387.586 3.441.538.307 3.339.748.695 3.575.380.042 4.217.485.912
Total 16,991,177,087 15,370,546,067 17,729,223,591 16,452,771,765 18,679,903,807 19,892,392,912