Deploy a report

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Denmark 378.362.249 491.520.504 549.071.966 555.654.366 655.355.914
Sweden 87.561.729 73.835.682 128.589.518 220.597.314 220.621.505
Spain 72.551 56.705.874 102.440.715 1.893.154 89.145.949
Iceland 76.556.481 17.247.584 18.872.202 29.108.459 73.131.139
France 1.397.253 3.844.036 5.069.381 99.665.040 4.320.845
Netherlands 22.281.612 9.234.324 6.566.565 6.841.088 13.444.937
United States 18.557.709 6.940.944 13.133.816 7.373.254 6.896.456
Germany 10.529.148 9.035.003 7.851.326 9.979.554 11.154.782
Norway 10.784.010 3.685.100 5.641.963 3.354.705 11.121.717
Finland 3.357.800 10.475.670 3.338.471 3.691.161 6.409.585
Others 6.329.990 6.517.277 12.900.775 28.564.540 9.148.053
Total 615,790,531 689,041,997 853,476,697 966,722,635 1,100,750,881

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
27 - mineral fuels... 125.434.231 76.711.901 130.411.735 250.831.358 262.001.633
84 - nuclear reactor... 72.009.868 93.660.025 99.932.193 92.186.655 110.774.928
89 - ships, boats an... 38.986.992 68.654.417 111.576.655 11.195.228 106.854.707
85 - electrical mach... 29.145.130 33.387.482 48.093.128 45.652.394 60.363.234
73 - articles of iro... 20.703.700 31.990.272 41.863.887 51.802.999 53.330.401
87 - vehicles other... 29.882.188 34.850.522 34.778.929 36.648.129 46.489.240
88 - aircraft, space... 14.757.687 4.797.732 12.848.338 104.247.575 15.406.438
94 - furniture; bedd... 23.813.371 20.287.874 22.454.379 19.351.538 29.046.584
02 - meat and edible... 13.971.017 17.578.937 19.640.560 21.153.870 22.598.233
19 - preparations of... 13.617.727 17.019.275 17.977.711 19.015.937 22.492.581
Others 233.468.620 290.103.562 313.899.181 314.636.953 371.392.901
Total 615,790,531 689,041,997 853,476,697 966,722,635 1,100,750,881

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
Tariff Numbers
Denmark Sweden Spain Iceland France Netherlands United States Germany Norway Finland Others Total
27 - mineral fuels... 30.576.764 662.335.759 15.605.380 86.437.789 19.966 19.496.773 129.751 2.856.864 7.590.806 57.927 20.283.078 845.390.858
84 - nuclear reactor... 421.624.012 9.980.779 163.914 7.259.005 1.688.368 4.218.500 3.382.807 3.870.962 4.420.477 7.231.027 4.723.818 468.563.670
89 - ships, boats an... 35.903.270 931.016 226.591.963 51.236.109 365.327 3.670 303.134 2.818 4.417.724 14.610.870 2.902.097 337.267.999
85 - electrical mach... 160.263.468 21.367.774 98.246 1.867.015 1.674.897 5.862.928 9.278.741 7.809.245 3.070.924 444.716 4.903.413 216.641.368
73 - articles of iro... 191.574.183 259.238 13.110 1.535.444 634.295 470.549 95.891 722.907 1.066.035 179.636 3.139.969 199.691.259
87 - vehicles other... 143.928.749 4.557.421 1.254 6.302.801 1.964 7.341.203 5.916.372 9.840.060 1.800.658 543.883 2.414.641 182.649.007
88 - aircraft, space... 6.920.832 140.750 1.801.106 31.153 107.327.278 6.672.708 15.121.521 1.379.912 6.796.245 29.691 5.836.574 152.057.771
94 - furniture; bedd... 99.487.163 1.837.602 632 8.933.941 153.289 340.066 1.089.381 507.300 428.304 1.165.225 1.010.843 114.953.746
02 - meat and edible... 94.216.220 3.433 555.821 24.946 73.211 51.717 17.271 00 94.942.618
19 - preparations of... 89.699.626 100.576 142.460 30.061 5.200 3.842 1.376 731 139.360 90.123.231
Others 1.355.770.711 29.691.398 5.982.638 50.614.327 2.431.171 13.907.121 17.506.170 21.504.184 4.977.673 3.008.982 18.106.841 1.523.501.216
Total 2,629,964,999 731,205,748 250,258,242 214,915,865 114,296,555 58,368,525 52,902,179 48,549,812 34,587,494 27,272,687 63,460,635 4,225,782,741

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
Denmark 60.880.475 38.878.535 42.078.000 38.918.402 41.063.468 49.328.977
Iceland 23.768.648 2.445.588 1.728.451 4.099.633 2.783.195 2.163.496
Norway 6.748.971 51.624 3.498.064 4.198.949 92.834 287.048
Sweden 1.682.752 1.121.612 1.240.264 1.129.061 1.091.605 919.196
Germany 1.810.725 910.102 911.313 991.143 343.499 1.043.801
Netherlands 947.644 474.154 655.311 449.182 248.661 778.031
France 390.171 388.418 693.943 359.502 666.305 649.591
United States 275.296 548.115 207.774 322.184 565.294 1.028.407
Finland 539.759 1.080.943 230.427 53.124 252.403 82.723
Spain 78.569 160.987 2.267 41.563 43.830 1.890.229
Others 591.322 302.570 819.567 441.379 662.554 1.031.086
Total 97,714,332 46,362,646 52,065,381 51,004,122 47,813,649 59,202,584

Chart - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Denmark 538.595.538 645.313.429 674.297.253 699.998.648 779.069.045
China 182.783.841 169.075.497 117.708.943 270.695.970 321.537.559
Japan 93.750.019 86.344.528 76.557.336 83.647.232 83.683.471
Russia 40.017.866 52.370.695 103.432.892 4.926.305
Taiwan 29.716.000 27.556.000 43.391.000 49.442.000 32.976.000
Norway 39.201.442 33.278.393 32.808.217 21.202.302 44.357.886
United States 27.428.851 29.185.172 41.609.218 36.736.001 27.982.285
Uruguay 682 8.899 149.636.903
Iceland 32.790.848 38.092.828 14.175.079 21.984.176 40.919.063
Netherlands 15.702.638 13.616.194 11.723.027 22.704.958 10.798.760
Others 22.836.966 17.378.743 27.532.206 21.791.496 20.884.993
Total 1,022,824,009 1,112,211,479 1,143,235,853 1,233,137,986 1,511,845,965

Chart - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
03 - fish and crusta... 834.422.322 905.975.114 960.366.665 1.031.956.146 1.121.978.519
16 - preparations of... 154.676.744 167.481.279 161.929.837 171.722.184 170.972.590
27 - mineral fuels... 1.251.456 299.535 187.901 572.576 143.854.860
89 - ships, boats an... 23.825.192 31.753.247 10.089.126 70.657 29.427.476
71 - natural or cult... 1.057.514 2.089.917 4.502.863 8.025.588 9.678.477
05 - products of ani... 691.625 633.564 1.725.077 4.489.721 5.308.708
84 - nuclear reactor... 400.591 379.216 428.880 2.646.798 4.265.753
90 - optical, photog... 831.414 434.903 365.674 1.722.576 3.609.396
72 - iron and steel 793.786 946.722 1.040.004 692.809 770.700
25 - salt; sulfur; e... 18.894 32.299 54.263 629.987 2.987.293
Others 4.854.470 2.185.682 2.545.562 10.608.943 18.992.192
Total 1,022,824,009 1,112,211,479 1,143,235,853 1,233,137,986 1,511,845,965

Chart - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
Tariff Numbers
Denmark China Japan Russia Taiwan Norway United States Uruguay Iceland Netherlands Others Total
03 - fish and crusta... 2.552.781.565 371.056.295 200.094.824 183.079.000 140.320.750 152.343.481 43.629.009 70.385.651 83.736.556 4.854.698.767
16 - preparations of... 742.497.710 3.332.640 52.262.730 650.733 21.882.496 3.509.306 19.807 137.000 2.490.212 826.782.634
27 - mineral fuels... 13.797 143.139.476 3.009.119 2.920 1.017 146.166.328
89 - ships, boats an... 166.288 7.473.494 2.465 86.633.043 890.409 95.165.699
71 - natural or cult... 3.735.314 4.790 650.875 24.968 3.180.384 4.722 17.753.307 25.354.360
05 - products of ani... 3.363.225 247.887 15.880 9.221.688 15 12.848.695
84 - nuclear reactor... 6.083.490 234 415.025 98.373 670.907 379.572 293.664 179.973 8.121.238
90 - optical, photog... 6.176.270 67.981 147.139 72.052 76.486 27.004 397.030 6.963.962
72 - iron and steel 4.240.502 1.309 2.211 00 4.244.022
25 - salt; sulfur; e... 122.721 8.123 73.801 32.506 100 3.477.120 8.364 3.722.736
Others 18.093.031 1.124.528 4.562 2.201 2.000 335.174 3.645.785 5.803.594 4.986.236 222.218 4.967.522 39.186.850
Total 3,337,273,913 1,061,801,810 423,982,585 200,747,758 183,081,000 170,848,241 162,941,527 149,646,483 147,961,994 74,545,577 110,424,404 6,023,255,292

Chart - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
Denmark 71.776.076 87.064.204 34.278.692 33.631.616 43.198.274 49.225.423
China 47.360.990 51.977.633 37.516.793 27.947.078 29.476.550 17.976.763
Japan 6.566.989 7.714.251 5.878.501 4.521.806 6.282.954 7.440.394
Norway 2.046.965 1.699.326 2.048.950 4.000.279 5.168.336 6.263.068
Taiwan 2.168.000 3.239.000 3.506.000 1.752.000 3.902.000 2.258.000
United States 2.995.986 1.506.351 2.107.109 2.805.744 3.287.221 1.753.351
Uruguay 837.309 517.443 503.220 7.409.465 71.922 900.028
Netherlands 2.871.314 709.971 848.826 1.111.505 1.785.582 1.360.660
Spain 823.429 762.138 755.762 893.994 831.306 540.787
Iceland 321.703 87.080 1.312.567 924.216 190.774 265.644
Others 363.134 224.982 1.578.508 975.266 1.447.218 1.567.763
Total 138,131,895 155,502,378 90,334,925 85,972,970 95,642,137 89,551,880

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Denmark 378.362.249 491.520.504 549.071.966 555.654.366 655.355.914
Sweden 87.561.729 73.835.682 128.589.518 220.597.314 220.621.505
Spain 72.551 56.705.874 102.440.715 1.893.154 89.145.949
Iceland 76.556.481 17.247.584 18.872.202 29.108.459 73.131.139
France 1.397.253 3.844.036 5.069.381 99.665.040 4.320.845
Netherlands 22.281.612 9.234.324 6.566.565 6.841.088 13.444.937
United States 18.557.709 6.940.944 13.133.816 7.373.254 6.896.456
Germany 10.529.148 9.035.003 7.851.326 9.979.554 11.154.782
Norway 10.784.010 3.685.100 5.641.963 3.354.705 11.121.717
Finland 3.357.800 10.475.670 3.338.471 3.691.161 6.409.585
Others 6.329.990 6.517.277 12.900.775 28.564.540 9.148.053
Total 615,790,531 689,041,997 853,476,697 966,722,635 1,100,750,881

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Denmark 538.595.538 645.313.429 674.297.253 699.998.648 779.069.045
China 182.783.841 169.075.497 117.708.943 270.695.970 321.537.559
Japan 93.750.019 86.344.528 76.557.336 83.647.232 83.683.471
Russia 40.017.866 52.370.695 103.432.892 4.926.305
Taiwan 29.716.000 27.556.000 43.391.000 49.442.000 32.976.000
Norway 39.201.442 33.278.393 32.808.217 21.202.302 44.357.886
United States 27.428.851 29.185.172 41.609.218 36.736.001 27.982.285
Uruguay 682 8.899 149.636.903
Iceland 32.790.848 38.092.828 14.175.079 21.984.176 40.919.063
Netherlands 15.702.638 13.616.194 11.723.027 22.704.958 10.798.760
Others 22.836.966 17.378.743 27.532.206 21.791.496 20.884.993
Total 1,022,824,009 1,112,211,479 1,143,235,853 1,233,137,986 1,511,845,965

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Greenland - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Greenland - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
Denmark 60.880.475 38.878.535 42.078.000 38.918.402 41.063.468 49.328.977
Iceland 23.768.648 2.445.588 1.728.451 4.099.633 2.783.195 2.163.496
Norway 6.748.971 51.624 3.498.064 4.198.949 92.834 287.048
Sweden 1.682.752 1.121.612 1.240.264 1.129.061 1.091.605 919.196
Germany 1.810.725 910.102 911.313 991.143 343.499 1.043.801
Netherlands 947.644 474.154 655.311 449.182 248.661 778.031
France 390.171 388.418 693.943 359.502 666.305 649.591
United States 275.296 548.115 207.774 322.184 565.294 1.028.407
Finland 539.759 1.080.943 230.427 53.124 252.403 82.723
Spain 78.569 160.987 2.267 41.563 43.830 1.890.229
Others 591.322 302.570 819.567 441.379 662.554 1.031.086
Total 97,714,332 46,362,646 52,065,381 51,004,122 47,813,649 59,202,584

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
Denmark 71.776.076 87.064.204 34.278.692 33.631.616 43.198.274 49.225.423
China 47.360.990 51.977.633 37.516.793 27.947.078 29.476.550 17.976.763
Japan 6.566.989 7.714.251 5.878.501 4.521.806 6.282.954 7.440.394
Norway 2.046.965 1.699.326 2.048.950 4.000.279 5.168.336 6.263.068
Taiwan 2.168.000 3.239.000 3.506.000 1.752.000 3.902.000 2.258.000
United States 2.995.986 1.506.351 2.107.109 2.805.744 3.287.221 1.753.351
Uruguay 837.309 517.443 503.220 7.409.465 71.922 900.028
Netherlands 2.871.314 709.971 848.826 1.111.505 1.785.582 1.360.660
Spain 823.429 762.138 755.762 893.994 831.306 540.787
Iceland 321.703 87.080 1.312.567 924.216 190.774 265.644
Others 363.134 224.982 1.578.508 975.266 1.447.218 1.567.763
Total 138,131,895 155,502,378 90,334,925 85,972,970 95,642,137 89,551,880