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Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 41.826.273 68.578.791 83.067.032 146.044.149 151.186.155
Turkey 14.545.701 16.873.918
Russia 1.228.936 3.137.059 18.557.900
Malaysia 644.449 10.327.047
Belgium 2.361.437 1.552.531 3.807.355 2.047.614 1.072.755
Portugal 396.939 1.049.138 3.885.865 2.498.165 1.729.342
South Africa 193.231 396 1.775.226 23.798 5.185.279
France 1.592.597 607.877 1.796.452 1.412.799 1.214.380
Italy 923.097 1.592.860 282.576 723.678 2.321.468
Spain 608 75.502 634.675 407.644 1.005.308
Others 1.644.378 1.213.067 1.484.597 1.291.925 1.349.399
Total 65,357,646 94,681,138 115,291,679 154,449,772 175,391,132

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Korea 77.000 831.000
France 25 22 893 337.420
Malaysia 57.213 17.368
South Africa 39.061
China 26.490
El Salvador 8.124
Netherlands 1.802
Guatemala 304
Belgium 290
Thailand 165
Others 05 03
Total 134,237 1,829 870,655 18,426 372,038

Chart - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 41.826.273 68.578.791 83.067.032 146.044.149 151.186.155
Turkey 14.545.701 16.873.918
Russia 1.228.936 3.137.059 18.557.900
Malaysia 644.449 10.327.047
Belgium 2.361.437 1.552.531 3.807.355 2.047.614 1.072.755
Portugal 396.939 1.049.138 3.885.865 2.498.165 1.729.342
South Africa 193.231 396 1.775.226 23.798 5.185.279
France 1.592.597 607.877 1.796.452 1.412.799 1.214.380
Italy 923.097 1.592.860 282.576 723.678 2.321.468
Spain 608 75.502 634.675 407.644 1.005.308
Others 1.644.378 1.213.067 1.484.597 1.291.925 1.349.399
Total 65,357,646 94,681,138 115,291,679 154,449,772 175,391,132

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
South Korea 77.000 831.000
France 25 22 893 337.420
Malaysia 57.213 17.368
South Africa 39.061
China 26.490
El Salvador 8.124
Netherlands 1.802
Guatemala 304
Belgium 290
Thailand 165
Others 05 03
Total 134,237 1,829 870,655 18,426 372,038

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: iron and steel - Monthly FOB USD