Deploy a report

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 4.832.143 3.813.970 6.265.665 6.409.795 2.211.412
China 1.117.720 413.935 1.083.205 1.028.991 1.053.726
Netherlands 617.333 957.110 580.385 655.921 879.263
Turkey 5.585 1.591.922
France 174.596 127.472 201.836 228.354 177.752
Belgium 49.246 104.432 65.171 51.017 260.441
Germany 25.953 66.259 73.282 50.151 78.483
Italy 6.108 1.277 14.599 15.007 90.035
Spain 6.856 1.365 55.474 27.199 338
South Korea 10.000
Others 5.652 846 6.325 7.348
Total 6,851,193 7,078,588 8,339,616 8,472,758 4,758,798

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Belgium 1.852.096 5.848.468 2.080.322 1.412.304 1.517.674
France 534.867 1.204.137 1.007.021 1.127.056 1.616.286
United States 640.157 615.943 435.180 286.898 248.317
Italy 11.900 139.835 231.119 360.309 509.334
Netherlands 119.534 171.600 368.060 160.149 81.784
Spain 264.752 59.847 40.188 1.485 1.891
United Kingdom 154.822 5.713
Germany 5.927 10.626 18.343 18.099 12.130
Cyprus 713 9.004 8.871 15.701
Malaysia 8.818 3.831 10.548 3.424
Others 3.552 12.234 5.715 2.889 15.976
Total 3,596,424 8,072,947 4,194,952 3,388,607 4,022,518

Chart - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
United States 4.832.143 3.813.970 6.265.665 6.409.795 2.211.412
China 1.117.720 413.935 1.083.205 1.028.991 1.053.726
Netherlands 617.333 957.110 580.385 655.921 879.263
Turkey 5.585 1.591.922
France 174.596 127.472 201.836 228.354 177.752
Belgium 49.246 104.432 65.171 51.017 260.441
Germany 25.953 66.259 73.282 50.151 78.483
Italy 6.108 1.277 14.599 15.007 90.035
Spain 6.856 1.365 55.474 27.199 338
South Korea 10.000
Others 5.652 846 6.325 7.348
Total 6,851,193 7,078,588 8,339,616 8,472,758 4,758,798

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Belgium 1.852.096 5.848.468 2.080.322 1.412.304 1.517.674
France 534.867 1.204.137 1.007.021 1.127.056 1.616.286
United States 640.157 615.943 435.180 286.898 248.317
Italy 11.900 139.835 231.119 360.309 509.334
Netherlands 119.534 171.600 368.060 160.149 81.784
Spain 264.752 59.847 40.188 1.485 1.891
United Kingdom 154.822 5.713
Germany 5.927 10.626 18.343 18.099 12.130
Cyprus 713 9.004 8.871 15.701
Malaysia 8.818 3.831 10.548 3.424
Others 3.552 12.234 5.715 2.889 15.976
Total 3,596,424 8,072,947 4,194,952 3,388,607 4,022,518

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Cameroon - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - NCE: edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers - Monthly FOB USD