Deploy a report

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 1.442.790.424 1.580.570.701 2.150.407.077 2.674.255.178 3.312.864.812
France 834.914.521 1.047.918.378 1.377.049.978 1.266.746.401 1.374.668.781
United States 278.542.274 218.767.236 359.403.619 500.826.358 516.157.880
Belgium 239.416.399 307.961.455 442.416.516 373.680.620 381.150.580
Netherlands 194.025.619 288.595.613 304.509.164 305.214.721 397.365.860
Germany 172.400.527 213.771.096 336.274.418 325.305.878 414.896.991
Spain 54.839.774 279.144.584 322.558.377 324.118.759 330.405.227
Italy 149.005.351 187.042.388 265.666.212 280.907.597 331.569.696
South Korea 135.981.000 114.599.000 183.064.000 170.027.000 217.117.000
Brazil 60.645.359 80.967.504 159.877.329 170.380.605 241.149.987
Others 1.048.677.899 876.825.974 820.263.945 1.028.942.608
Total 4,611,239,147 5,196,163,929 7,131,461,799 7,211,727,063 8,546,289,422

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
84 - nuclear reactor... 675.329.577 699.079.942 938.444.881 993.082.812 1.261.630.542
87 - vehicles other... 354.637.149 388.624.349 589.140.722 555.146.478 749.060.474
85 - electrical mach... 403.236.834 404.957.066 481.245.776 631.889.739 677.814.468
39 - plastics and ar... 212.789.022 260.783.400 351.111.826 375.357.943 415.179.754
10 - cereals 283.391.798 253.144.394 321.543.019 210.908.182 267.881.680
30 - pharmaceutical... 155.138.434 261.807.489 334.566.015 282.538.607 244.601.913
03 - fish and crusta... 125.949.704 159.557.659 443.061.558 196.652.792 337.554.519
73 - articles of iro... 141.597.338 189.756.566 262.508.667 311.263.426 325.111.550
72 - iron and steel 154.738.520 215.826.536 242.836.507 315.497.809 295.494.241
27 - mineral fuels... 222.369.410 104.572.842 214.626.552 252.210.552 201.473.799
Others 1.882.061.361 2.952.376.277 3.770.486.481
Total 4,611,239,147 5,196,163,929 7,131,461,799 7,211,727,063 8,546,289,422

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
Tariff Numbers
China France United States Belgium Netherlands Germany Spain Italy South Korea Brazil Others Total
84 - nuclear reactor... 1.246.529.293 161.423.558 286.935.810 256.130.451 363.103.633 165.101.334 350.123.810 197.596.000 14.177.032 518.348.504 4.567.567.755
87 - vehicles other... 148.859.665 126.535.774 336.359.495 95.249.507 104.782.819 21.370.678 38.141.394 106.174.000 101.871.897 441.192.118 2.636.609.173
85 - electrical mach... 1.342.363.662 542.424.420 54.333.821 49.639.968 111.868.150 54.735.357 125.014.527 62.960.822 33.756.000 3.391.605 218.655.550 2.599.143.883
39 - plastics and ar... 475.461.513 154.604.891 380.691.885 61.554.025 17.895.356 68.999.733 67.980.004 66.222.374 155.165.000 4.460.373 162.186.791 1.615.221.945
10 - cereals 219.058.357 562.097.431 52.999.175 104.285 1.375 17.901.338 30.179 9.000 95.815 484.572.120 1.336.869.073
30 - pharmaceutical... 85.835.733 769.530.378 80.204.320 174.266.556 99.084.081 10.323.767 2.909.464 12.659.719 26.090.000 3.456 17.744.983 1.278.652.458
03 - fish and crusta... 366.455.261 85.473.141 12.557.568 2.216.617 22.139.229 570.005 24.967.095 343.379 54.598.000 7.432.767 686.023.170 1.262.776.232
73 - articles of iro... 474.587.279 167.969.761 7.638.969 63.441.034 26.355.058 33.031.851 134.266.290 96.327.853 4.172.000 17.095.708 205.351.743
72 - iron and steel 990.425.106 13.515.982 1.074.368 9.924.893 698.240 1.639.753 29.738.860 7.201.710 2.170.000 9.365 167.995.335 1.224.393.611
27 - mineral fuels... 10.544.954 51.007.740 479.308.975 90.547.685 52.176.099 37.246.630 10.978.032 37.083.391 3.810.000 218.154 222.331.493 995.253.155
Others 4.833.555.208 2.397.716.321 516.928.954 669.635.202 808.113.432 770.314.023 728.710.257 543.126.792 237.248.000 564.264.612 1.880.543.728 13.950.156.529
Total 11,160,888,192 5,901,298,060 1,873,697,367 1,744,625,571 1,489,710,977 1,462,648,909 1,311,066,720 1,214,191,244 820,788,000 713,020,784 5,004,945,535 32,696,881,360

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
China 285.613.757 301.682.237 303.962.446 242.651.394 217.401.409 249.512.792
France 118.977.576 130.667.608 96.483.217 86.584.628 117.997.602 107.057.764
United States 28.983.827 42.720.804 38.561.169 54.447.981 49.977.715 80.943.127
Netherlands 57.226.600 33.865.378 52.386.204 20.294.462 19.407.773 19.884.236
Germany 31.118.313 37.347.557 26.944.755 21.759.939 28.253.742 34.267.872
Belgium 37.584.246 26.183.331 27.914.405 19.964.535 21.519.006 25.970.277
Spain 32.132.602 25.783.284 26.635.537 30.429.635 21.419.877 21.822.155
Italy 19.866.209 39.817.376 16.539.014 18.289.421 24.298.131 36.485.985
Brazil 52.138.013 21.661.881 24.406.449 15.469.283 19.289.806 12.002.496
Thailand 12.759.866 25.988.575 20.798.019 29.734.127 17.057.493 22.791.397
Others 87.622.568 83.134.767 70.474.829 74.722.943 69.255.890 105.331.153
Total 764,023,576 768,852,797 705,106,045 614,348,347 605,878,443 716,069,253

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Netherlands 990.551.950 1.329.989.748 1.155.757.255 2.034.610.143
United States 957.762.052 913.883.761 1.002.607.158
France 722.481.466 775.197.757 826.558.256 921.488.887 927.989.961
Malaysia 919.211.229 981.240.994 912.646.250 950.213.858
Belgium 501.914.651 657.415.898 718.370.086 576.042.192 706.366.760
Germany 433.321.592 444.604.744 571.960.968 646.190.181 756.624.652
Spain 494.322.988 418.610.767 403.015.916 448.158.247 514.808.525
China 305.065.337 338.343.265 291.670.987 428.737.263 413.397.268
Italy 186.588.645 260.068.996 274.551.799 301.144.450 412.860.885
Russia 193.928.008 229.905.319 257.454.896 23.480.946
Others 885.528.374 587.023.274 429.033.409 587.073.392 574.595.695
Total 5,671,465,062 6,798,543,146 7,356,949,530 7,113,776,503 8,294,074,906

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Tariff Numbers
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
18 - cocoa and cocoa... 3.693.112.510 4.658.692.706 4.194.882.226
40 - rubber and arti... 414.444.075 908.832.199 1.116.578.680 1.238.878.855 1.049.548.328
08 - edible fruit an... 372.060.323 382.460.500 458.881.525 504.366.524 553.462.140
27 - mineral fuels... 622.019.791 263.657.637 230.538.987 345.978.395 743.326.229
26 - ores, slag and... 173.651.047 201.298.692 158.746.073 336.855.211 314.262.102
16 - preparations of... 84.440.018 99.084.467 72.831.468 120.087.043 131.355.126
44 - wood and articl... 63.084.544 51.524.536 62.002.948 71.719.562 55.471.408
15 - animal or veget... 22.552.725 29.946.185 68.189.157 117.138.815 30.298.923
09 - coffee, tea, ma... 42.128.645 42.702.974 21.492.784 31.676.381 37.840.718
74 - copper and arti... 20.298.812 18.261.817 34.694.432 41.657.744 47.635.972
Others 163.672.573 142.081.435 126.842.490 110.535.746 156.658.393
Total 5,671,465,062 6,798,543,146 7,356,949,530 7,113,776,503 8,294,074,906

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Import Countries
Tariff Numbers
Netherlands United States France Malaysia Belgium Germany Spain China Italy Russia Others Total
18 - cocoa and cocoa... 6.016.378.542 4.065.413.649 2.293.735.810 1.871.198.943 2.301.155.114 107.574.056 643.215.911 655.055.696 1.528.009.124 22.727.053.995
40 - rubber and arti... 61.727.670 717.108.072 127.409.858 1.851.828.474 308.971.546 325.951.638 372.302.284 22.380.814 160.566.437 36.575.870 743.459.474 4.728.282.136
08 - edible fruit an... 146.790.073 153.411.186 1.024.495.277 356.474.447 112.644.881 305.026.039 11.131.116 73.459.810 8.393.197 79.404.985
27 - mineral fuels... 457.595.864 213.822.101 325.750.062 16.574.216 131.355.914 236.055.214 463.374.502 142.480.502 218.512.663 2.205.521.039
26 - ores, slag and... 73.233 2.300 6.039.101 57.404 41.979 129 1.115.538.292 24.284.206 38.776.482 1.184.813.125
16 - preparations of... 3.125.868 3.037.533 259.524.706 21.345.795 3.318.308 15.001.356 200.415.359 2.029.198 507.798.122
44 - wood and articl... 4.774.520 25.583.254 16.385.682 179.639 41.660.002 12.236.509 49.572.220 4.386.282 88.278.362 1.494.696 59.251.830 303.802.998
15 - animal or veget... 33.381.424 482.789 3.801.895 25.299.994 2.465.272 52.415.264 82.337.661 1.942.672 60.663.652 2.286.719 3.048.461 268.125.804
09 - coffee, tea, ma... 4.928.383 2.223.201 17.588.165 24.631.965 8.376.598 83.891.849 18 13.795.759 181.366 20.224.198 175.841.502
74 - copper and arti... 336.116 778.958 762.921 20.116.452 37.811.149 5.945.536 13.372.558 11.224.069 336.388 71.864.629 162.548.777
Others 36.075.539 79.331.097 104.243.614 8.003.260 66.657.373 16.312.562 35.704.339 37.513.810 16.830.707 445.237 298.673.099 699.790.637
Total 6,765,187,233 5,260,412,882 4,173,716,327 3,763,312,331 3,160,109,587 2,852,702,137 2,278,916,443 1,777,214,120 1,435,214,775 704,769,169 3,063,254,144 35,234,809,147

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
Netherlands 198.004.192 221.676.783 404.709.728 227.975.477 128.282.918 280.648.359
Malaysia 100.026.341 110.284.073 139.811.242 140.268.617 112.183.223 92.192.117
United States 38.915.316 43.630.285 155.613.455 128.287.293 124.714.724 69.269.021
France 56.758.044 75.948.461 104.039.544 74.938.433 74.425.100 98.570.888
Germany 67.280.694 42.784.341 99.412.315 76.208.561 61.502.780 135.458.680
Belgium 53.885.895 39.738.167 48.339.757 80.142.298 81.902.419 120.640.019
Italy 52.898.997 54.176.471 19.370.228 13.349.345 106.016.353 75.957.671
Spain 41.941.665 52.393.159 53.095.505 38.755.802 37.049.886 70.637.522
China 39.839.359 23.388.612 34.136.664 11.818.626 15.934.100 42.835.612
Brazil 2.422.638 3.608.044 22.920.968 35.423.809 17.300.030 44.874.424
Others 40.240.189 31.731.061 36.258.221 25.288.633 57.323.587 99.113.654
Total 692,213,331 699,359,457 1,117,707,626 852,456,893 816,635,120 1,130,197,967

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Annual FOB USD

Export Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
China 1.442.790.424 1.580.570.701 2.150.407.077 2.674.255.178 3.312.864.812
France 834.914.521 1.047.918.378 1.377.049.978 1.266.746.401 1.374.668.781
United States 278.542.274 218.767.236 359.403.619 500.826.358 516.157.880
Belgium 239.416.399 307.961.455 442.416.516 373.680.620 381.150.580
Netherlands 194.025.619 288.595.613 304.509.164 305.214.721 397.365.860
Germany 172.400.527 213.771.096 336.274.418 325.305.878 414.896.991
Spain 54.839.774 279.144.584 322.558.377 324.118.759 330.405.227
Italy 149.005.351 187.042.388 265.666.212 280.907.597 331.569.696
South Korea 135.981.000 114.599.000 183.064.000 170.027.000 217.117.000
Brazil 60.645.359 80.967.504 159.877.329 170.380.605 241.149.987
Others 1.048.677.899 876.825.974 820.263.945 1.028.942.608
Total 4,611,239,147 5,196,163,929 7,131,461,799 7,211,727,063 8,546,289,422

Import Countries
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Netherlands 990.551.950 1.329.989.748 1.155.757.255 2.034.610.143
United States 957.762.052 913.883.761 1.002.607.158
France 722.481.466 775.197.757 826.558.256 921.488.887 927.989.961
Malaysia 919.211.229 981.240.994 912.646.250 950.213.858
Belgium 501.914.651 657.415.898 718.370.086 576.042.192 706.366.760
Germany 433.321.592 444.604.744 571.960.968 646.190.181 756.624.652
Spain 494.322.988 418.610.767 403.015.916 448.158.247 514.808.525
China 305.065.337 338.343.265 291.670.987 428.737.263 413.397.268
Italy 186.588.645 260.068.996 274.551.799 301.144.450 412.860.885
Russia 193.928.008 229.905.319 257.454.896 23.480.946
Others 885.528.374 587.023.274 429.033.409 587.073.392 574.595.695
Total 5,671,465,062 6,798,543,146 7,356,949,530 7,113,776,503 8,294,074,906

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Chart - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Table - Côte d'Ivoire - Imports - Evolution / Exports - Evolution - All tariff positions - Monthly FOB USD

Export Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
China 285.613.757 301.682.237 303.962.446 242.651.394 217.401.409 249.512.792
France 118.977.576 130.667.608 96.483.217 86.584.628 117.997.602 107.057.764
United States 28.983.827 42.720.804 38.561.169 54.447.981 49.977.715 80.943.127
Netherlands 57.226.600 33.865.378 52.386.204 20.294.462 19.407.773 19.884.236
Germany 31.118.313 37.347.557 26.944.755 21.759.939 28.253.742 34.267.872
Belgium 37.584.246 26.183.331 27.914.405 19.964.535 21.519.006 25.970.277
Spain 32.132.602 25.783.284 26.635.537 30.429.635 21.419.877 21.822.155
Italy 19.866.209 39.817.376 16.539.014 18.289.421 24.298.131 36.485.985
Brazil 52.138.013 21.661.881 24.406.449 15.469.283 19.289.806 12.002.496
Thailand 12.759.866 25.988.575 20.798.019 29.734.127 17.057.493 22.791.397
Others 87.622.568 83.134.767 70.474.829 74.722.943 69.255.890 105.331.153
Total 764,023,576 768,852,797 705,106,045 614,348,347 605,878,443 716,069,253

Import Countries
11 - 2023 12 - 2023 01 - 2024 02 - 2024 03 - 2024 04 - 2024
Netherlands 198.004.192 221.676.783 404.709.728 227.975.477 128.282.918 280.648.359
Malaysia 100.026.341 110.284.073 139.811.242 140.268.617 112.183.223 92.192.117
United States 38.915.316 43.630.285 155.613.455 128.287.293 124.714.724 69.269.021
France 56.758.044 75.948.461 104.039.544 74.938.433 74.425.100 98.570.888
Germany 67.280.694 42.784.341 99.412.315 76.208.561 61.502.780 135.458.680
Belgium 53.885.895 39.738.167 48.339.757 80.142.298 81.902.419 120.640.019
Italy 52.898.997 54.176.471 19.370.228 13.349.345 106.016.353 75.957.671
Spain 41.941.665 52.393.159 53.095.505 38.755.802 37.049.886 70.637.522
China 39.839.359 23.388.612 34.136.664 11.818.626 15.934.100 42.835.612
Brazil 2.422.638 3.608.044 22.920.968 35.423.809 17.300.030 44.874.424
Others 40.240.189 31.731.061 36.258.221 25.288.633 57.323.587 99.113.654
Total 692,213,331 699,359,457 1,117,707,626 852,456,893 816,635,120 1,130,197,967